Example sentences of "you [modal v] [adv] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 At other times you may simply be looking for a good story with situations and characters which will interest and entertain your students .
2 If you do nothing about those feelings , the recipient will probably be totally unaware of them ; if you translate them into action , you may well be setting in motion a train of events which will cause harm and destruction , bringing as much grief to yourself as to the object of your ill-will .
3 You may well be wearing 30 's clothes and I suppose you could start wandering around feeling like Gatsby , but for a man who is a very fine actor and mime artiste , and who learned from Lindsay Kemp way before I met him everything about it being a show off stage and on , I do n't really think there 's too much relevance . ’
4 Here is another equation , We wish to find what number I stands for , unc We have now " solved the equation " for You may well be thinking that all this working out is not needed since you can work out the answer in your head Very soon though you will be given problems too difficult to work out in your head , At that time you will have to use the method you re practising now ,
5 You may well be wondering why I have taken such pains to show that the Spirit of God , his active intervention on the human scene which took such varied forms in the Old Testament , became concentrated in the person of Jesus the Messiah , and then was poured out by him upon the messianic community .
6 You may well be wondering about the relevance of this technical detail on orbits , sensors and electromagnetic energy to geography .
7 As it is , I think every hour that passes increases the risk of your not seeing your daughter again whether you pay the ransom or not , and that by paying you may well be signing her death warrant .
8 Yet , you may well be doing just that when you write one press release for the former magazine and another on the same subject for the latter because both publications are on your public relations media schedule as targets .
9 Of course , we hope that you will not just browse through our book in a bookshop , as you may well be doing now , but will buy and use it !
10 As you look at the above diagram of the learning cycle you may well be saying to yourself ‘ Is that all there is to it ?
11 Nevertheless his career reveals the strong point of a ‘ heroic ’ view of evil , the weak point of a Boethian one : if you regard evil as something internal , to be pitied , more harmful to the malefactor than the victim , you may be philosophically consistent but you may also be exposing others to sacrifices to which they have not consented ( like being murdered by Viking ravagers or , as The Lord of the Rings was being written , being herded into gas-chambers ) .
12 Iron deficiency — anaemia — sometimes causes nails to turn upwards and then flake , so you may not be getting enough iron ( found in red meat , eggs , and green veg ) .
13 You may not be applying the techniques necessary to take advantage of this opportunity of obtaining wisdom as well as information .
14 If you have experienced adverse symptoms this week , you may not be feeling as well as you did at the end of last week .
15 If you have any queries or think that you may not be obtaining your full pension entitlement , you should contact your local Social Security office as soon as possible .
16 You may not be putting together the salad on your plate or cooking your main course in the kitchen , but you do have a certain control over what goes onto your plate .
17 You may now be thinking about what sorts of jobs you could do if you score high in any of the areas that we 've mentioned .
18 This includes any director 's or consultant 's fees you may still be receiving , as well as more obvious income .
19 All these agencies make sending out mailings much easier but they can be very expensive , and unless you give very precise and detailed instructions about which journalists in each category of the media should receive the release you may still be sending to media which can not use the story .
20 ‘ And of course , ’ Valence continued airily , ‘ you may merely be masking your own inner poverty by such posturing . ’
21 It is worth analysing your reaction to conflict situations since you may unwittingly be making them worse .
22 In order to work you must already be working .
23 I loved Tom McMahon too — you must n't be thinking I did n't , that I cheated him , but it was a different sort of love .
24 Therefore , by the time you are seven , although your birthdate remains the same , you must actually be celebrating your birthday one week later in the year .
25 You must still be taking that very seriously ?
26 ‘ Ben and I were sure that you must still be feeling jet lagged .
27 Regular treatment of your dog and your home with a suitable insecticide is all that 's required , so it 's no more than you should already be doing to control our old friend the flea !
28 You should clearly be thinking about weaknesses in control : wastage , perhaps , or even pilferage .
29 You should not be eating any of the grain products from last week , whether they suited you or not .
30 Obviously , if you have a heavy cold , a headache , are suffering from lack of sleep or are jet lagged , you should not be flying .
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