Example sentences of "you [modal v] [verb] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 You may think it can wait till Monday , but I ca n't .
2 I know you 're after Robert , but , although you may think you 'll succeed , I 'm here to warn you . ’
3 You may think you can lie to me , but you ca n't go on lying to yourself , ’ he said with calm assurance .
4 Conversely , if you have a serious disagreement with your boss , it could so adversely affect your standing in the firm that you may decide you would be better off elsewhere .
5 You may feel it will go on forever , but it wo n't .
6 Many people believe they owe it to their pet to be there at the end and , in retrospect , are glad that they were , yet you may feel you ca n't cope with witnessing this very sad event .
7 BELVILLE : [ surprised at this prudery — and wishing to be off ] My dear , I count every hour of absence from you a day but you may believe I can not help it .
8 Oh well you may find you might have to renegotiate something in the summer term then I suppose , but you 'll just have to see it how it works out .
9 I mean the decision is yours and you may find You may wish to sort of take take things very slowly and very gradually .
10 If you can identify some of them , you may find you can arrange things so that you avoid some of the situations that make you feel Not-OK and increase your exposure to situations where you experience OKness .
11 Now adjust preset VR1 either way to check that you get a range of 5V to 15V ; you may find you can actually go a bit beyond these limits but this is not of importance .
12 You may find you can develop this into tits and finches you have been watching .
13 You may find you can overlook your husband 's interest in pornography , or strike a compromise whereby none is brought into the house .
14 S you 'll find there 's a lot less strain on the heart , you may find you can do more without getting short of breath .
15 You may like you may have a try and find that you do n't particularly en er like like it after all .
16 the other point was obviously people that you may know which may be able to help me in my business , people you feel this information obviously it was of interest to you
17 I think you ought to go I 'll get you going real quick .
18 Having decided on the precise objectives being set for the appraisal scheme , next you must choose who will be consulted , who will be appraised by whom and how often .
19 ‘ If you must smoke you could at least go in the living room while I 'm cooking , ’ said Rodney .
20 ‘ Well , if you must go I 'll run you back in the car , ’ said Mark , much to Penelope 's disappointment .
21 ‘ It 's all important ; Roman is the foremost designer of sports and leisure clothes in the world , and you must realise he can do a great deal for my career . ’
22 I meant — well , if you must know I would n't 'alf like a cup of tea . ’
23 And if you think about it logically you must know I could n't have followed you .
24 ‘ Surely you must know you ca n't have her ?
25 ‘ I know how fond you are of your uncle , but even you must see what would happen if he was left holding the reins . ’
26 ‘ Of course you must appreciate I can not guarantee he will see you . ’
27 He wanted it to be a surprise for you , and I 'm only telling you in advance in case — in case you should think it might have been me . "
28 ‘ I do n't know why you should think I 'd object to a frisky man , military or otherwise .
29 ‘ You thought perhaps she might feel insulted — that you should imagine she could be so easily led ? ’
30 Although why you should imagine I would want acceptance into your family when I have a perfectly good family of my own , I have no idea .
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