Example sentences of "you [verb] [pers pn] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I think , that the more you forbade , forbid the thing , the more attractive you make it to a child .
2 If you make it to the end of Chapter 7 and have registered a significant number of Yeses , I shall have done pretty well .
3 That 's that 's the way we do fractions that 's the way you do adding up fractions or taking away fractions you change them to the same .
4 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
5 Add them when you 're multiplying , times them when you raise them to a power , so we do n't want to start changing this to one over and things , because we 'll lose that easy way of doing things .
6 So you raise it to a power , multiply the indices , when it comes out as a fraction , it does n't matter how you
7 In my time you even had to survive Hansen 's unofficial scrutiny before you made it to the first team .
8 ‘ Oh , you made it to the Gala then ? ’
9 Business asked the 10 youngest : ‘ How did you make it to the top so quickly ? ’
10 Will wiggling your bottom help you make it to the top ?
11 He preferred outwork : " In a factory you confine them to the hours the master pleases , in the cottage they work very often 15 or 16 hours . "
12 So far as the B T U Tax is concerned , erm it 's really a political issue as to where the administration or the Congress in the end decide to place the tax , I mean in very simple terms the nearer you place it to the consumer , the more effective it is , but the less politically palatable it is which because consumers vote and oil companies do n't an and so er I think it will be political pressure to push it nearer to the well head which will be less good for the oil and gas producers .
13 Would you trust him/her to a permissive relationship with contemporary television ?
14 If you mentioned them to a colleague or — ’
15 Specially commissioned by The Tea Council , Teapot 2000 has a unique design that allows you to brew it to the exact strength you like , from the first cup to the last .
16 " Take as much lean of boiled ham as you please , and half the quantity of fat , cut it as thin as possible , beat it very fine in a mortar , with a little oiled butter , beaten mace , pepper and salt , pot part of it into a china pot , then beat the white part of a fowl with a very little seasoning ; it is to qualify the ham , put a lay of chicken , then one of ham , then chicken at the top , press it hard down , and when it is cold , pour clarified butter over it ; when you send it to the table cut out a thin slice in the form of half a diamond , and lay it round the edge of your pot . "
17 In the case of a joint purchase it will save time if , as buyers ' conveyancer , you have them execute the engrossment print before you send it to the other side .
18 Now why do n't you introduce her to the office routine — and perhaps show her the chalets ? ’
19 ‘ Can you direct me to the private wing ? ’
20 Leafing through them , I could n't see any obvious lies ; he had n't taught me to say anything obscene instead of ‘ Excuse me ’ or ‘ Can you direct me to the railway station , please ? ’ , though I 'd have thought the temptation would have been all but irresistible .
21 ‘ Excuse me , , I said to an elderly gentleman coming towards us , ‘ can you direct us to the Gypsy Queen 's caravan ? ’
22 Can you direct us to the table please ?
23 You 'll have spent at least one day testing everything to see if it 's okay before you show it to the public .
24 Can you give it to the panel secretary ?
25 Will you send him to the gallows ?
26 Erm w why did n't you send them to the ones on the fla on the flats ?
27 If you have not yet paid these fees please can you send them to the Office as soon as possible together with an SAE .
28 Can you send it to The Times ? ’
29 Er could you refer me to a place where I have erm er
30 Can you refer me to the part of the key diagram which shows the scheme for York to which you referred a moment ago ?
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