Example sentences of "you [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're a C D O at Trent and you know you 're gon na go out on patrol as a special that night , there 's no doubt Trevor will let you take a radio home with you , as long as you bring it back the next day .
2 However , when you lay them down the first card is laid on the M of mutus and the second on the m of nomen .
3 You drag her off a boat in the middle of the river .
4 Well have you sorted yourself out a nice hand out
5 You test it out the next morning is n't it interesting you remembered as proof of the pudding .
6 Well alright , but can you , can you not get rid of a couple of the boxes and what 's this thing there ? well why do n't you tip it up the other way and give yourself a bit more room , tomorrow Deana what 's that , your dictionary ?
7 could you firm it up a little bit with him you firm it up with I 'll talk to Scottish Homes
8 This , and you put him up every time he comes up .
9 But you must see that she says her prayers at night , Antoinette exclaimed : how else can you bring her up a good Catholic ?
10 When you 've tasted mine you might not want , you might want me to bring you bring you back a different sort .
11 In fact if you add it up the moon can go round the earth thirteen times in a year .
12 the water clean else it erm Do you clean yours out a lot ?
13 I know what , I 'll swop that for a pound coin , yeah , and you give me back the pound coin and plus that fifty P , yeah ?
14 Well , if you put a , just hit it down a little bit , I got , probably wo n't get through , but if you hit it down a little bit to give it a bit of spin it might carry it through .
15 So you perked her up a bit
16 Can you hold him up a minute .
17 Talk to the children again to distract them , and , with your hands covering the cards , you turn them back the right way up .
18 I thought I would go and take one of the head ones and journey along down to that place and so , you know , is there any chance you slipping me down a good four long ones and if he says no , think again ?
19 You took it out the other night , right ?
20 I hope you tore him off a strip when — ’
21 Can you get me out the
22 And how did you get them up the station ?
23 Well , she said , right , she said , er , he ca n't cash that cheque because his account 's in Ireland , so can you get him out the cash instead .
24 Many commonly-prescribed drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin and eyes to ultra-violet light — particularly if you take them over a long period of time .
25 It is important because if you do buy something from a shop and realize there 's something wrong with it , if you take it back the first thing the shop would say to you is can I see your receipt ?
26 Inanimate matter does n't answer back and if you get fed up with what you 're doing you throw it down the sink or get rid of it .
27 Yeah , you had it out the other day .
28 ‘ Important enough for you to take her out every night , ’ Claudia responded , gasping as she realised she had spoken her thoughts out loud .
29 No , you pull it out a bit at a time , not just
30 You see that n what n erm You you see it out the window there .
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