Example sentences of "that might [vb infin] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another dinosaur that might 've had wings .
2 Mother Francis did want everything that might help to push Eve up some kind of ladder .
3 It was this impression that might have cost Labour the marginal seats — especially in London and the South — it needed to make the breakthrough .
4 He related how he had come down to London and systematically searched through the various agencies that might have employed Elsie , how he had tracked down Mrs Wilson and had gone to see her .
5 A second problem that might have caused Mario to leave Lotus was money .
6 A sight that might have intrigued Professor .
7 But Ferdinand 's bankrupt Spain could not produce the small army that might have postponed defeat .
8 In the Belfast research programme one of our aims was to use the complex patterns discovered in a live speech community to throw light on the kind of movements that might have taken place in linguistic change in the past .
9 But in Fiona 's case he stressed : ‘ Our understanding is that any relationship that might have taken place did not com-mence until he was not a client of the service .
10 I , I fear that the use from any stockpiling that might have taken place er in this country is a very real hazard .
11 For a moment that might have lasted hours she seemed to see herself , old and weak , and knew that now she could be free and the burden of life leave her wings for ever .
12 The facts that might have prompted CSM to take a more serious view of Opren at its November 1981 meeting are : 1 its own unprecedented number of adverse reaction reports ; which by 1 November 1981 included over 20 deaths which reporting doctors suspected to be due to an Opren reaction ; 2 The reports of the Paris symposium , which it could have attended ; and 3 Dista 's suggestions for a change in the dosage recommendations .
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