Example sentences of "that should [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The following details an outline of the points that should be covered in the report :
2 Again , this is something that should be covered in any agreement or declaration of trust .
3 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
4 ICL Plc has applied to register a subsidiary in Slovenia , a formality that should be completed in the next few weeks , and despite renewed conflict in Croatia , the company says it is still ‘ business as usual ’ .
5 The question of the level of resources that should be invested in Scotland 's underwater heritage has come into focus with the rediscovery of an historic shipwreck off Duart Point in Mull .
6 Such topics as sport 's role in the national lottery , the ban on tobacco advertising , the new horse racing authority and the inability to produce British tennis players are issues that should be debated in a sensible forum .
7 For counsellors to know the limits of their competence is clearly important , and calling in specialist help is always something that should be done in good time .
8 There is also the recurrent debate over the degree of specialization that should be incorporated in social work education .
9 A suitable yardstick of good practice has been provided by the OECD , which in its contribution to Road Safety Year in the European Community in 1986 produced a synthesis of road safety research , with aims that included ‘ identifying those safety measures that should be reconsidered in national and international road safety policy formulation . ’
10 The UITF concluded that such benefits are liabilities that should be recognised in financial statements in accordance with the accruals and prudence concepts of SSAP 2 , Disclosure of Accounting Policies , and the Companies Act .
11 Although all the steps ( a ) to ( d ) were completed by the balance sheet date , some would argue that as the redundancy costs are to be incurred in the next year , they are not liabilities that should be recognised in the current year 's accounts .
12 I do n't know of any conventional beauty products that should be avoided in pregnancy .
13 Mr. Livsey : Does the Secretary of State agree that there is great concern in rural Wales that the opt-out proposals in the review are totally unsuitable to that area and that the general practitioner services mentioned in the review are not properly structured to deliver the sort of services that should be provided in mid-Wales ?
14 There are , therefore , other items that should be included in the contents of such a Grammar .
15 The circular saw is therefore one of the most labour-saving power tools that should be included in a d-i-yer 's toolkit .
16 This study aimed to review the content of referral letters from general practitioners to a child psychiatry department and to discover whether general practitioners and psychiatrists hold different views on the information that should be included in a referral letter .
17 Here is a purely personal set of preferences as to the parameters that should be included in the new editorial guidelines .
18 Software for most econometric analyses that should be included in the packages which the Centre is producing is already available from academic sources .
19 As regards the distribution of lands between the districts , erm if I can refer to Mr Curtis 's comments first , the Greater York study never anticipated that the distribution of housing around the Greater York the districts would be based around the percentage of population within those districts , but purely on capacity of sites within those districts to accommodate future housing growth without compromising greenbelt objectives , Ryedale , as I 've said before , has taken the largest proportion of recent housing in the Greater York area , and has identified a substantial amount of new land for housing within its Southern Ryedale local plan , what the District Council is concerned about is that within the local , Southern Ryedale local plans , this is taking a large proportion of its district wide total plans , yet the District Council from the structure plan figure given is unable to calculate the remainder of housing that should be allocated in the remainder of its district .
20 And , in a sentence that should be inscribed in pokerwork and hung above Hussey 's bed : ‘ The constant stress on the visual which infects television production largely undermines any pretension the medium has to be a vehicle for discussion of serious ideas . ’
21 You also need to be aware of certain precautions that should be taken in the handling , preparing and storing of food .
22 You also need to be aware of certain precautions that should be taken in the handling , preparing and storing of food .
23 In particular , the International Organisation of Securities Commissions ( IOSCO ) has concluded that LIFO is one of the accounting alternatives that should be retained in revised IASs .
24 Are those not exactly the issues that should be settled in this country and not in Brussels ?
25 It needs skill and experience to use this comparison table , and the advice of a specialist teacher for visually handicapped pupils should be sought if there are problems in deciding the size of print that should be used in individual cases .
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