Example sentences of "that she [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When her morning 's work was finished she thought , as she thought every day , that she would walk along the Mootwalk to Bale 's and at last set her mind at rest .
2 The fact that she would return to the same workhouse 10 years later was in itself not untypical ; many genuine helpers in such institutions may have had it in the back of their minds that one day they would become the cared for , rather than the person doing the caring , as old age took its toll .
3 Although he always sent her out with new clothes that should have made her embody his idea of elegance , he was resigned to the fact that she would return in a version far removed from his original concept .
4 It was hoped that she would go onto to be an international class athlete .
5 Small boats develop emotions to a fine pitch , and she felt that she would go with him to the end of the world , if his outboard was always going to start like that .
6 She had made that declaration and that commitment that she would go with her mother-in-law wherever she went that her God , Naomi 's God would be Ruth 's God , and that Naomi 's people , would be Ruth 's people .
7 She had more or less accepted that she would go to hell for her crime , and did not much care what would happen to her after death .
8 As she was drinking it , she decided that she would go into the hospital , on her way to the office .
9 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
10 The letter went on to inform her that she was welcome to continue working with the group in the unlikely event that she would want to .
11 His calm presumption that she would sleep with him infuriated her .
12 Her eyes followed him as he unpacked the bike , and she wondered if he was just going to take it for granted that she would sleep with him of if he would offer her the choice .
13 She had awakened early , busied herself with her bags and , while she had waited for the taxi repeatedly told herself that men were a species that she would avoid at all costs from here on in .
14 To acknowledge that she could not and never would ask Maggie for the mothering that she would give to her own mother .
15 Although Bernice could understand her wish for peace and quiet , Ell must be joking saying that she would prefer to be back home .
16 Her mother was killed in a train accident and her father , without looking at her , for he very rarely looked at her , told her that she would continue at the local school .
17 Pamela agreed that she would benefit from having new friends and said she would find out about youth clubs that existed in her area .
18 President-for-life Imelda Marcos yesterday dedicated a new statue of her late husband , the former president-for-life , and announced , after singing twenty-eight patriotic songs to the assembled multitudes , that she would set in motion a new scheme to clear up the streets of the city by personally firing the first bullet .
19 This meant that Mrs. Bernadette McAliskey ( nee Devlin ) could not take part though she had earlier indicated that she would stand as a candidate in Mid-Ulster .
20 In March 1918 Nina Boyle , offering herself as a test case , announced that she would stand in the Keighley by-election .
21 She said that she would travel by the next one and should be at the hotel about eight clock .
22 We found that she would answer to either name , but did n't respond to any other .
23 And Clara , confident that she would meet with no misunderstanding , managed to relate episodes that she had never before related , and when , finally , she came to the subject of the future , she awaited Clelia 's views as though they might even be of use .
24 Clara swore that she would pay for herself out of her Post Office Savings : her mother said that her dead father had n't put that money away for her to squander on trips abroad .
25 Annette spent the intervening time with her son who had been made as comfortable as possible and she told him that she would stay with him until he went for the operation and would then go home but would return first thing in the morning .
26 Maureen as an ambulance driver and Pat as a rescue man were badly needed , but Anne 's firewatching at a large store was less essential and it was decided that she would stay with her mother .
27 She had announced that she would stay in Paris until October , but by October she was looking for a new place to rent , now deeply involved with Modi and unable to leave .
28 " How flattering it would be to one 's pride if at the moment of leaving you were sure that you left a memory behind , that she would think of you more than the others . "
29 It was the thing she did best , and she had decided long ago that she would study in earnest as soon as she left school .
30 Myanma 's military-dominated regime , however , which had refused to implement the results of the May 1990 general election won by the NLD , made it clear that Suu Kyi was regarded as a troublemaker and that she would remain under house arrest ; she had refused to renounce political involvement and go into exile .
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