Example sentences of "that she [modal v] [vb infin] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Both those cases involved blasphemies , Mrs Whitehouse felt , and therefore there was no question in her mind that she would become involved .
2 The fourth element that the plaintiff has to prove is that the acts done by her were done in reliance on or as a result of her belief that she would become entitled to the deceased 's property on his death …
3 The river , so wide that she would have mistaken it for the sea , was full of craft of all sizes , though most of them lay at anchor .
4 She had been a mother of sons only and I think now that she would have liked me to call her mother ; but then , such an idea never entered my head .
5 Mrs Cameron said yesterday that she would have liked to see the university medical school represented on the board .
6 Not that she would have fooled anyone as she was , but eighteen months of good food and expert surgery had transformed her , making the thousand yuan he 'd paid for her seem the merest trifle .
7 ‘ As a nurse , I could not understand why she did not directly approach the hospitals concerned , for at that time I had little doubt that she would have received informed , prompt , honest replies . ’
8 She had almost forgotten herself by walking to the big front door , and giggled inwardly at the shock that she would have given Mrs Parker if she had done so .
9 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
10 The last thought that flittered across her mind before she slept was that she would have given everything she possessed , sold her immortal soul , for Michele to have loved her as the Lion of Venice had loved his Lucia .
11 Medical staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital did their utmost to try to save Mrs Loughran 's life but Mr Smith heard that at her age and with such extensive injuries it was very unlikely that she would have survived .
12 All Frizingley knew it , even his mother who had grown so incensed about Linnet 's poverty that she would have poisoned her if she could .
13 Something that she would have grasped , if it were n't for her own stupidity .
14 She once admitted that she would have loved a career in politics and believed she was now being forced to draw upon all her native political skills to ensure that her design ideas and her control over image were not submerged in the drive to reduce the debts .
15 Not that she would have seen it as any sacrifice that she had neither husband nor child .
16 He looked so thunderous that she would have run had she been able , but the chance did not arise .
17 ’ He sighed , knowing full well that she would have done .
18 How could he believe that she would have done such a thing ?
19 And now she knew that she would have done anything to be able to roll back the clock .
20 Almost immediately , Juliet realised that she would have done the same , if she 'd felt desperate .
21 For example that of Joe and Biddy which turns out to be a very happy , contented marriage reflecting around home life and this marriage depriving Pip of the chance to propose to Biddy though I think that she would have refused on the grounds that he was still in love with Estella .
22 Not that she would have allowed a little thing like lack of transport to get in her way — in her current mood she would have hired a private helicopter if necessary to get her to her destination .
23 We have already noted that she would have started as a reading girl , at 4s or 5s a week , before learning the lay of the type case and eventually starting work setting type .
24 If she had not been so fit as she is then I am convinced that she would have died .
25 Constance was so thrilled at the idea of working in such a glamorous world that she would have agreed to anything in order to have the job .
26 My father knew , as do I — who better ? — ’ he retorted bitterly ‘ — that she would have sold it , used the money for her own ends .
27 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
28 More prestigious universities , showing a surer touch than the Royal Society of Chemistry , had refused to get involved with Elena , but the Romanian Embassy pointed out that she would have taken the Central London Poly for a much grander institution than it really was .
29 If she would only realise that she would have confided in me now . ’
30 I consider that she would have found a job by early Autumn and therefore the sum must be more than a , nearly a year 's earnings and I assess it at eight thousand pounds .
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