Example sentences of "that she [verb] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 The exchange between them had been painful , but there was something so honest and open about it that she felt freed for the first time in months from her painful awareness of him as a man .
2 To her great relief , however , Fabia subsequently discovered that she had asked for a quite delicious meal of venison with bacon , mushrooms and tomatoes .
3 It turned out that she had gone for a hill walk on her own with an agreed pick up point by him in the car .
4 It was true also that she gave English lessons and that she had applied for a full-time job as an English teacher in a small private school .
5 He had realised it before she had , and somehow the sympathy that had been briefly in those blue eyes , that she had mistaken for some sort of liking , was far more disturbing than his hard , cool look .
6 It seemed to Tallis that she had smouldered for a long time before finally the fire had taken hold .
7 Clelia 's visit , however , was all that she had hoped for .
8 She said that she knew about it and that she had known for quite a while .
9 Candida Gray , Candida Gray , a name that she had known for as many years as she had known any such names ; she had not read as many of the novels as she ought to have done , but she had read one at least , and that one she actually remembered .
10 A bedroom that she had known for at least ten of her seventeen years .
11 It was impossible to do anything except admit something that she had known for a very long time .
12 The pint of milk and newspapers that she had ordered for her arrival were correctly outside the front door .
13 Other speakers followed , but it soon became clear that she had spoken for ail present .
14 As she took her wedding vows , Diana was saying goodbye to the life that she had taken for granted for twenty years .
15 She was able to conceal her restlessness , the pacing about , her dream of a different beginning to a new life , her impatience with the old shapes that she had used for too long ; she was not young and was old enough to foresee failure .
16 She put them under her raincoat in the basket and looked at the receipt the chemist had handed her from the till ; there was no evidence that she had paid for these items .
17 She saw affection and concern in his eyes , but imagined that the love was gone , the intensity of the gaze , that knowingness that she had shared for so many years as they had fought to find this place through the forest .
18 It was this moment that she had come for .
19 To our relief , she missed out on all the formalities except for a perfunctory cry of ‘ GamBei ’ ( ‘ Down the hatch ’ ) and ‘ Greetings to our British friends ’ , and concentrated on tucking into the excellent meal — she gave the impression that she had come for the food and drink and nothing else .
20 Looking back , she could see that she had married for all the wrong reasons .
21 It was so hot outside that she had settled for an orange cheesecloth caftan , which she 'd jacked in with a belt of linked gold hippos .
22 It was because of her worsening rheumatism that she 'd asked for Ruth to come and help her this summer .
23 Earlier she had , despite Newman 's warning , made a brief call to INCUBUS headquarters , leaving a message for her boss that she 'd left for England .
24 I think it was a car that she 'd had for was well looked after her dad used to see to it for her but it was she 'd had it for some years and she was always poodling about in you see .
25 ‘ I 'm all stiff and sore , ’ Lucy said , and then pulled down the shoulder of the oversized Blues Brothers T-shirt that she 'd bought for sleeping in .
26 Geoff Tulloch got hold of the idea that she 'd worked for some corporation in Detroit for a year .
27 Out of all the women that she 'd processed for Charlie , the hard cases and the desperate and the downright kinky , she 'd felt affection for none until Lucy had come along .
28 He bared her breasts ; put his tongue to them as his hands went down to the belt of her skirt , to find that she 'd changed for the trip , and was wearing jeans .
29 When she tells us that she left for work , we assume that she has dressed for the outside world .
30 No she does n't , it 's things that she 's known for years .
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