Example sentences of "that they seem to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
2 Three rows of tiny figures circled a Navaho basket , holding hands forever in the weave ; black squares for heads , so that they seemed to be facing inward to preserve the sanctity of the dance .
3 Grey stone walls rose about them , and winged roofs surfaced with rose-red tiles caught the sun so that they seemed to be on fire .
4 Then , exasperated by her own confusion , and the fact that they seemed to be going round in circles , Ellie demanded , ‘ Feargal , just tell me what it is you want to know — what , in fact , we 're supposed to be talking about ! ’
5 ‘ Sixteen coffees , ’ she announced in the cool voice that they seemed to be using to each other , ‘ followed by — er — ’ Consulting her list , she continued , ‘ Six rounds of toast , five boiled eggs with soldiers … ’
6 Ellie could n't actually hear what they were saying , only that they seemed to be arguing .
7 People will say that they seem to be wishing that the person would hurry up and die , but in reality it seems that this event is the only one that can break the suspended animation of events being acted out in front of them .
8 For a while they are ‘ egocentric ’ — so self-centred that they seem to be interested only in themselves and their own point of view .
9 Positioning the moss at the bottom of the picture , push the wild flower stalks into the moss so that they seem to be growing naturally .
10 Perhaps the oddest feature of evidence on spillovers is that they seem to be particularly prevalent in high R&D sectors , and this raises the question of whether they actually do undermine incentives to do R&D ( see Levin , 1988 ) .
11 I have never understood why she was criticised by the Opposition for speaking up for Britain , but I am not exactly clear about their present position , except that they seem to be claiming that they can negotiate better conditions than the Government , despite their failure when in government in 1975 to negotiate proper terms for our entry .
12 Yet decisions about the significance , for entry into higher education , of school-level achievement in public examinations are made all the time — and it is odd that they seem to be made without reference to CNAA , BTEC or the NCVQ .
13 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
14 And she said that they seem to be selling more
15 They are simply not they do n't expect the level of sexual tension that they seem to be identifying as a problem in Oxford .
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