Example sentences of "that they [verb] what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst it is no doubt true that the heaviness of early Soviet ICBMs and the ‘ dirtiness ’ of their warheads stemmed from crude propulsion and guidance systems , all that matters is that they accomplished what they were designed to .
2 Choose your coach with care ; be sure that they know what they are doing for the theatre and actor of today .
3 Our experience of the average guitarist is that they know what they want and they wo n't be fooled into buying fresh air simply on the strength of a good review !
4 In practice , there 's no doubt that they know what they 're doing .
5 The first step in empowering house officers so that change can happen is to ensure that they know what they are entitled to expect from the job .
6 They have demonstrated publicly , through close scrutiny by their peers , that they know what they are talking about .
7 The Great Britain team were represented by Brown/Jackson/Thorogood/Williams who took a clear win , showing that they know what they are talking about but ca n't get the message across !
8 But erm , sometimes they have n't covered it completely , or do n't understand it , they 've just ticked it , and signed it to say that they know what they 're doing .
9 First of all , the great mistake most people when they 're talking to press people is to assume that they know what they 're talking about .
10 They are also more confident that they know what their partner wants .
11 We have to do some pre-planning with those people , so that they know what their jobs are , how the systems are going to work , what the priorities are .
12 Engineering recruits are required to show that they know what it is to be exposed to the hard world of reality by gaining direct experience in day-to-day aviation practice .
13 He starts by remarking that scientists and ( at that time ; he was writing in the 1950s ) philosophers usually take science as the understanding of an independent reality , with the presumptions that they know what it is for something to be ‘ real ’ and for someone to ‘ understand ’ it .
14 He says ; Every child has had some training and they show me that they know what it is all about and at the end of the day they have saved a life .
15 So that they mean what they 're saying .
16 But it does not deny that they mean what they say , does not suggest that they are talking nonsense .
17 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
18 The great Labour party — which brought together militants , because it thought that they knew what they could do for the working people of this country — is scornfully setting democracy aside .
19 He let five buses go by and the girls kept at him , sure that they knew what he wanted .
20 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
21 The often-repeated criticism made of elite and traditional theorists that they assume what they should be proving — namely the distribution of power — may from this perspective be seen to miss the point of elite analysis , since it is not typically concerned with the question of whether the minority that exercises power is a significant proportion of the entire population .
22 Although the Bible 's claim for itself is that God did directly speak through men , and that he so controlled them that they said what he wanted them to say , it is clear also that the men concerned used their own minds in the process .
23 ‘ Hope is all any of us has now , ’ said Julia carefully choosing her words to make certain that they meant what she wanted them to mean .
24 In 1895 , the Royal Free appointed an official ‘ almoner ’ to ensure that patients were genuinely poor and that they contributed what they could afford to their treatment .
25 Stone produces initial sketches as ‘ discussion documents , carefully screened in order that they see what I want them to see ’ .
26 That 's all : no laborious abstracting , no checking of old abstracts to see that they comprise what you " ve contracted to give , no checking of old schedules of documents against the deeds , no copying of documents .
27 ’ The important thing is that they understand what they are comming into .
28 ’ The important thing is that they understand what they are comming into .
29 ‘ I do n't know what it is about dolphins , ’ said the leading lady of the entertainment show Give Us A Clue , ‘ but you just feel that they understand what you are going on about .
30 When people came in to choose a light fitting , how often do you think that they considered what they wanted the light for , or whether they liked , or whether they choose it because they liked the style of the design of the light fitting ?
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