Example sentences of "that this [noun sg] be of " in BNC.

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1 But she had to admit that this child was of a different type altogether : her voice , her manner suggested a refined type of background .
2 The academic establishment refused to entertain the possibility that this doctrine was of any wider significance to criminal law beyond the local issue of what is to be done with the drunken offender and , within that narrow compass , that the doctrine was coherent or justifiable .
3 Mr Fosten is of the opinion that this jacket is of the period 1822–25 ; and Col Peter Walton , Secretary of the Army Museums Ogilby Trust , in a letter to the DSVF , writes : ‘ As to your expert opinion on the date of the jacket …
4 As I said , I think that this issue is of very considerable constitutional importance , because the effect of the judgment is to separate the activities of a Minister acting under his own name from those carried out while acting as a Minister of the Crown .
5 In particular , Almond questions the notion of autonomy as it has been developed since Kant , arguing that this notion is of limited value to women , since ‘ the ‘ masculine ’ goal of moral autonomy has in practice almost always been outside a woman 's grasp' .
6 There may be other reasons why forward and expected future spot rates may not be equal ( for example , Frenkel and Razin ( 1980 ) show that stochastic prices may result in a divergence between the two , but admit that this effect is of little significance in practice ) .
7 It seems worth while to remind the reader just how wide is the range of external informal information sources relevant to business activity ( it will be seen that this list is of US origin ) :
8 The remedy never fails , and you should know that this earth is of a red colour . ’
9 And there is no doubt in my mind that this infant is of higher than average intelligence .
10 This case did not concern the availability of coercive remedies against the Crown and it might be argued that this statement is of no relevance in that context .
11 It 's an ongoing exercise , and er we have produced er sufficient scientific evidence to show that this pond is of tremendous value .
12 We shall be suggesting later that this insight is of crucial importance in understanding the penal crisis .
13 Once he had got the idea of killing her ( and at first this fantasy did not seem very different from the reveries in which he wept by her open grave , comforted by young , fashionably dressed women ) it took some time to appreciate that this scenario was of quite a different type from the others .
14 Francis Maginn dominated the proceedings and proposed a resolution in the following terms : That this Conference is of the opinion that the combined system , as advocated by Dr E M Gallaudet before the Royal Commission , is calculated to confer the greatest benefit upon the greatest number of the deaf and dumb .
15 It needs to be allowed that this reply is of a certain kind .
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