Example sentences of "that are used [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think animals that are used for human entertainment definitely deserve a better deal , for example , large wi wild animals that are used in circuses , we have n't got the right , as people , to say that they 're here for our entertainment .
2 The main anthranoid containing herbal drugs that are used as stimulant laxatives are senna , aloe , cascara , frangula , and rhubarb .
3 Such round , smooth shapes are the perfect foil to the railway sleepers that are used as informal steps down to the lowest level of all , a curved brick paved sitting area that looks back up towards the house .
4 The cements that are used in orthopaedic surgery generate heat during setting and do not have the same level of biocompatibility as bioceramics .
5 Professional ( demographic , sociological , statistical and some medical ) terms or terms that are used in everyday conversation but having specific meaning in the context of the report as well as some abbreviations are concisely defined or explained in the Glossary .
6 17.52 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 7 should develop a sensitivity to the different styles of vocabulary that are used in different types of writing .
7 There 's , to be clear about it , that it 's completely confidential , that their looking only for particular words that are used in different parts of the country and in different locations .
8 I 'd rather not er deal with them individually by name because many of them are comm , commercial products , but er there are a wide range of them as you know , that are used in commercial food production .
9 The large trucks that are used by professional carriers where the horse is sealed up in almost complete darkness and isolation , frighten horses more than two-horse floats pulled by cars or the more open trucks frequently used by professional riders .
10 Methods that are used by other organisations , which may be worth considering are direct advertising in national press , and production of a recruitment leaflet based on an issue of concern such as the CPRE Road Verges leaflet , and various Greenpeace examples .
11 Only by pushing the boundaries of moral judgment to their extremes are you going to get rid of sexism , racism , sizism and classism ( along with all the other buzz-words that are used by pompous morons to build walls around themselves so they can validify their own judgments of other people ) .
12 High-level languages such as FORTRAN ( FORmula TRANslation ) or BASIC that are used by trained programmers ;
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