Example sentences of "that are [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus some things that are said to be going to happen , do happen .
2 In other words those very characteristics that are said to be proscribed by the importance the Japanese attach to group loyalty and deference to authority .
3 Such mobility may carry the stigma of personal failure or a defective personality that are said to be the result of ‘ soiling one 's curriculum vitae' ( Nakane 1973 p.111 ) .
4 So it is by no means impossible that the kraken and the other legendary sea monsters that are said to be able to rise from the deep and wrap ships in their tentacles , really exist .
5 they should include the key elements that are perceived to be important in achieving the identified and attainable level of ‘ best ’ performance .
6 This may consist either of views as to the proper policy-making procedures — the way things are to be done — or of particular sets of policies that are perceived to be in the best interests of the nation .
7 You can use the program to create a personal history of problems that are felt to be related to certain substances .
8 These findings are consistent with the data of Simmonds et al although they used myeloperoxidase staining rather than measurement of myeloperoxidase activity , and the concentration of azide they used was 10-fold higher than concentrations that are believed to be specific for myeloperoxidase inhibition and thus may have been somewhat non-selective .
9 Analysis of known DNA-PK substrates suggests that one such factor is the product of the c-jun proto-oncogene , since it is phosphorylated by the DNA-PK less strongly than other factors that are believed to be multiply phosphorylated ( 9 ) .
10 The temple is a structure specifically designed to house an icon as well as the mental images that are sought to be evoked in its presence .
11 To this end , Tang reports that some 13.8 million ha of Malaysia 's forests have been designated as permanent forest estate ( PFE ) , of which 9.1 × 10 6 ha are productive forests that are intended to be managed on a sustained yield basis ( see section 8.2.1 for a definition ) .
12 Bring your cheque books , credit cards etc. and take advantage of the various deals that are bound to be on offer .
13 The Daily Mirror has put together three fabulous trips with Horse Racing Abroad that are bound to be winners .
14 They represent more than 40 different plants , including sorghum , millets , legumes , fruits , nuts and tubers that are presumed to be wild ( although there are some suggestions of cultivation in the sorghum ) .
15 Well , note first of all that the various gases that are thought to have made up the early atmosphere contain most of the main elements that are known to be essential to life : carbon , nitrogen , sulphur , hydrogen , and oxygen — though the oxygen was not ‘ free ’ , but was combined for example with carbon in carbon monoxide .
16 Examinations need to be carried out only at infrequent intervals and in most cases only those aspects of the product or container that are known to be those most likely to undergo change need be examined .
17 The direct way to assess this is to feed the rodents with large doses of substances that are known to be innocuous .
18 You should also be suspicious of foods that are known to be potent allergens .
19 Rather than cutting out a whole range of foods , concentrate on the foods that are known to be problematic in eczema : milk , eggs , beef , chicken , food additives , oranges , lemons and other citrus fruits .
20 What is unfortunate today is that scientists are still trying to build science on foundations that are known to be inadequate .
21 ‘ Low risk ’ activity could transfer body fluids that are known to be infectious .
22 We know that the immune system in that disease produces immunoglobulins ( which are antibodies , in the spinal fluid , which is the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal chord ) product antibodies there in the way that normal people do not , and there 's evidence too that around the areas of damaged insulation in the central nervous system , which is the characteristic abnormality or lesion in this condition , there are cells that are known to be committed to making antibody , or to aiding the production of antibody .
23 More problematic for the school as a whole are those initiatives that are designed to be cross-curricular and pervasive : language across the curriculum , maths across the curriculum , computing across the curriculum .
24 Social control performs the function of defining those acts that are deemed to be harmful to the society .
25 Child-safe paint : We have n't found any paints that are claimed to be totally lead-free , but the safe ‘ nursery paints ’ are within the strict British and European limits for the amount of lead permitted in child-safe paints .
26 It was found that even from those sources of commercial information which give quantitative information , for example ICC and Business Monitors , it is the qualitative messages that are considered to be the most useful by the planners .
27 As it stands , this claim will be of no explanatory interest if the relevant descriptions of events are trivial in the light of our projects and concerns , and a persuasive conception of determinism must therefore include some method of selecting from among the multifarious possible descriptions of events those that are considered to be significant .
28 A mother otter will bring a half-dead fish and give it to her young to play with in a pool so that they may practice the dives and swoops that are needed to be a successful underwater hunter .
29 In talking about what is good in the Protestant way of life , even evangelical Protestants go beyond theology and begin to list things that are thought to be the results of the right religion .
30 TWO COMPLETELY new organisms have been discovered that are thought to be important contributors to the ever-increasing problem of sexually-transmitted disease — in particular so-called ‘ non-specific genital infections ’ .
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