Example sentences of "that he had [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 Sighvat 's Knútsdrápa indicates that he had sailed from England to deal with the threat posed by Olaf and Anund Jacob , and mentions his visit to Rome .
2 They were no doubt relieved , as Theo definitely was , that he had escaped from the clutches of ‘ that woman ’ .
3 It might be more accurate to say that he had escaped from him .
4 These eagles would not know what a zoo was , or believe that he had escaped from one in a place where no eagles lived naturally .
5 In August Turberville returned to England , claiming that he had escaped from prison .
6 It does n't actually say I I I was just looking , it does n't s seems to go up to September nineteen eighty six but not to say that he had escaped from prison .
7 After almost two hours at the wheel yesterday , Senna limped away from his car , the only obvious sign that he had suffered from brake trouble during the last quarter of the 73-lap race .
8 On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a very rare brain condition in which the thalamus progressively degenerated .
9 The crux of Sting 's accusation , however , was that he had suffered from ‘ inequality of bargaining power ’ which is to say , that he had not had proper legal advice when signing the deal , and had been taken advantage of by Virgin .
10 Given this , Whitelocke was lucky to escape prosecution at the Restoration ; to the credit of both , he and Charles II made their peace when Whitelocke returned some royal manuscripts that he had saved from plunder and lectured the king about Welsh , which he said was ‘ his Majesty 's more ancient native language than English ’ .
11 He was probably far gone enough not to realise yet that he had jumped from one box into a smaller one .
12 When the Dutch troops landed and passed through Wells , Ken wrote to James to say that he had withdrawn from his palace , taking his carriage horses lest they be commandeered ; indeed his previous service at William 's court would have caused much embarrassment if he had remained to meet him .
13 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
14 When pressed upon the issue , Hawke admitted the deal , but claimed that he had withdrawn from the arrangement in December 1990 after Keating had made " treacherous " remarks to the press about his leadership .
15 ‘ Rumours that he had profited from the Barings Crisis of 1890 . ’
16 Though Thomas was greatly revered he had never been well off , and now that he had retired from government advisory jobs he earned nothing much except by writing .
17 He firmly denied that he had emerged from the meeting empty handed .
18 The Tretyakov Gallery would release hundreds of the works that he had given from its stores , and then the museum of the Russian Avant-garde would open .
19 He told them that he had separated from his Argentinian-born wife four years ago and that she had returned to Buenos Aires .
20 He went on to say that he had heard from a mutual friend whom he had met in Alexandria that I had a good job , and added : ‘ Mother said , in an old letter which took months to reach me , that it was in the Foreign Office .
21 Five days later Ira Dilworth called me to his office where , in his kindly fashion , he expressed surprise that he had heard from the RCAF of my application before I had discussed it with him .
22 He had spent three years building on the excellent co-operation between the Bureau and the Yard that he had inherited from Darrell Mills .
23 It compounds still further those two legacies so actively conjoined since the previous summer of 1837 : the historical , biogeographical ( including ecological ) concerns that he had inherited from Lyell , and the generational concerns deriving from his study with Grant and subsequent reading in Erasmus Darwin .
24 He felt , with some justification , that he had received from Transvaal a raw deal for his loyalty , and he moved to Bloemfontein .
25 At the same time , however , the man appointed as Minister , Gabriel Arias Salgado , was a rigid Catholic and well known for the fanatical campaigns against sin and temptation in literature , cinema and theatre that he had master-minded from the Department of Popular Education in the 1940s .
26 That he had stolen from ,
27 Julius stood and watched her go , and wondered what else she would have said to him if she had known the complete truth ; that he had known from the very start exactly who had sent that poison pen letter to her .
28 He was an evacuee , said some ; others that he had absconded from a Borstal .
29 Her finely shaped brows met in dark disapproval as she watched him pick at the lock with a thin piece of wire that he had produced from somewhere in the depths of his pocket .
30 The later wildness and eccentricity of his style were completely out of character with his conventional , moral and industrious way of life ; his obituary reported that he had died from overwork .
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