Example sentences of "that he [verb] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 She 'd thought before that he seemed used to power , and looking at him now only served to strengthen that feeling .
2 The Home Secretary has made it absolutely clear that he remains committed to meeting our obligation to genuine refugees .
3 I smiled , nodding my head , not unhappy that he 'd jumped to the wrong conclusions , but surprised that he did n't know the secret of paying by instalments .
4 As Chancellor of the Exchequer , in the Seventies , had n't Mr Healey often written in his diary that he 'd gone to bed dog-tired ?
5 " He could have given me a ticking off , considering that he 'd gone to the trouble of telling me that you were coming .
6 Arrogant swine , she fumed , and hoped with all she had that he 'd gone to bed hungry last night .
7 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
8 Once inside the shed , Amis entered the cage and cast around for the big wrench that he 'd taken to keeping in here .
9 His desire to be gone had been so strong — the desire for movement — that he 'd seemed to be leaning into the wind .
10 Howard is relieved and pleased that his younger self could pass such a test ; to have been in his own company for fifteen minutes or more , and to have been so opaque and convincing that he 'd seemed to be like anyone else .
11 At the moment he 's probably wishing that he 'd stuck to music .
12 He told me that he had said to Ivy that he hoped between the three of us we might make head or tail of it , and she said , ‘ Well , we are three intelligent people , so I ca n't see why we should have any difficulty . ’
13 After travelling to the little mining village and speaking to Brown 's mother , ‘ I then set out to find him , having been told that he had gone to the pit with a barrow to fetch some coal .
14 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
15 The accused maintained that he had gone to her home to ask if she had received a letter of apology from him for his earlier crime .
16 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
17 Ellen 's father , Jack , had greeted his daughter with the testily expressed hope that she had not left the safe position at the royal castle that he had gone to considerable trouble to obtain for her .
18 Fran exchanged pleasantries with her , curbing her impatience before finally asking if she knew where Luke had gone , and went weak with relief when the other woman informed her that he had gone to the old college .
19 Herr Klein said he could not confirm that Mengele had returned twice to Germany during his years in South American exile — once for the funeral of his mother — but he knew that he had escaped to Argentina immediately after the war .
20 Reacting to Maj. Botha 's statement anti-apartheid groups said they believed that he had succumbed to government pressure to protect Buthelezi .
21 She knew she had nothing to feel guilty about despite her attraction to Luke , having resisted him , but his relationship with Cavell was none of her business really , and whether Luke finally confessed that he had intended to be unfaithful or Cavell discovered it for herself , she did n't want to have to feel responsible for any eventual break-up .
22 An extreme example of this occurred when a hospital social worker was asked to see a family who refused to allow a newly bereaved husband to leave hospital to attend his wife 's funeral , as they felt angrily that he had contributed to her unexpected death with his demands .
23 Cade occurs frequently in the early pipe rolls of Henry II 's reign , where payments to him of around £5,600 are recorded , in settlement of various loans that he had made to the Crown .
24 He made a series of trips to Algeria reminiscent of those that he had made to the French provinces in the autumn of 1944 .
25 First , that he allowed Framework Management Ltd to go into liquidation admitting it owed £21,000 to Higgins ( who claimed he was owed £51,000 ) ; and , second , that he had caused to be issued in 1988 ‘ a press release regarding a tournament to be held in Peking stating , and telling Mr Higgins in order to induce him to take part in the tournament , that the first prize was £35,000 when in fact it was not ’ .
26 He was replying to the disclosure by John Ward , the dead woman 's father , that he had written to Mr Rowland earlier this year asking for assistance in persuading the Kenyan authorities to open a murder inquiry .
27 He announced to cheers that he had written to Presidents Gorbachev and Bush seeking support for what has been called Prague 's polite revolution .
28 He announced to cheers that he had written to Presidents Gorbachev and Bush seeking support for what has been called Prague 's polite revolution .
29 The family were surprised to hear that he had written to his father asking if he could bring a friend to stay .
30 Eliot mentioned that he had written to Belgion , gently protesting against the intemperate way in which this comment had been conveyed .
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