Example sentences of "that there [am/are] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the benefits most frequently claimed for collaboration are : i That there are cost savings for both R&D and production , by sharing costs and through longer production runs .
2 The choice of channels utilised by a producer is determined ultimately by the customer , and in recent years there has been a trend towards shorter channels , as customers , especially in consumer markets , realise that there are price advantages to be gained when middlemen , or retailers , are by-passed in the chain of distribution .
3 One possibility is that there are master genes whose products control the activity of many others .
4 ( b ) Break-clauses Where the landlord asserts that there are redevelopment prospects , the court will usually order the new tenancy to contain a break-clause enabling the landlord to terminate the lease for redevelopment .
5 As in Sonia 's case , the Home Office have turned down Prakesh 's application to stay in this country , saying her case has been fully considered , despite the fact that she has never been interviewed by any Home Office officials , and despite the fact that there are compassion circumstances to be considered .
6 He will be aware that there are Commission proposals on harmonisation with a zero rate for wine but a substantially higher rate for spirits , which is bound to have an adverse effect on our trade balance .
7 And it is thanks only to the challengers — and their sponsor , Louis Vuitton — that there are street banners , scoreboards in downtown San Diego , a telephonist in the media centre and , indeed , television coverage of the event .
8 Er , my Lord you will see that there are cash flow forecasts which relate to the business er back statements for the plaintiffs er and then there are documents and papers which are referred to in Mr report and finally on the final page of the index there are the principal sources of information for Mr report .
9 However , what the poll tax has revealed unequivocally is that there are poverty traps in this city entirely due to that particular tax and those people who are in financial difficulty we do understand the problem they have and we will continue to help .
10 However , what the poll tax has revealed unequivocally is that there are poverty traps in this city entirely due to that particular tax and those people who are in financial difficulty we do understand the problem they have and we will continue to help .
11 The data presented here suggest that there are sequence homologies between amino acid residues 206–217 of A-gliadin and non-toxic prolamins .
12 Many other sites as well as Rollright have been monitored and the general conclusion so far is that there are radiation anomalies but they vary over time and that only an intensive continuous study at a site is likely to reveal the pattern .
13 I know that there are gif sites in the states : wuarchive.wustl.edu is one of them .
14 Narrow driveage does n't necessarily mean then that there are coal pillars either side .
15 Well that 's , that 's , that is it you 've got the original there have n't you , that there are photostat copies but something the one that is the original copy that 's the original it is n't a copy .
16 I appreciate that there are segregation problems , but we have asked the Government to do more about separating prisoners for safety purposes and they have ignored our advice .
17 My Noble Friend is absolutely right er it is a er essential that the erm hospital does have a good discharge policy that there are community facilities to support people once they leave hospital er and My Lords we know that with some of the new procedures that are now being introduced er that is possible and that when a patient comes in for treatment , a discharge policy is worked out almost immediately so that the support services can be given when the time comes for that person to leave .
18 This seems to indicate widespread agreement that there are market failures in R & d which the patent system alone is insufficient to offset .
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