Example sentences of "that there be [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But there was n't the , the erm ante natal care that there is these days , I mean there were no erm when you went round to se if you were a midwife and you went round to see the prospective mother you 'd say , now you are eating proper meals are n't you ?
2 We 've now moved on in part of question your question five B and erm in my response to that I 'm suggesting , and I hope it 's not just semantics , picking up the point made just before we broke for coffee , is that there 's all sorts of things called the countryside , and this policy is is directed at the open countryside .
3 They were also hinting that there 's more moves to follow .
4 Well it 's just that the fact that there 's more muggings and things going round this area than any other part of .
5 there is an abiding dream in American literature that an unpatterned , unconditioned life is possible … there is also an abiding American dread that someone else is patterning your life , that there are all sorts of invisible plots afoot to rob you of your autonomy of thought and action .
6 ‘ Well over half of the clients that approach IMRS for consolidation software are currently using spreadsheets , and have discovered that there are all sorts of horrendous problems associated with using them for consolidation .
7 When Weber remarked initially that he would consider ‘ all action when and in so far as the acting individual attaches subjective meaning to it ’ , he invited the comment that there are all sorts of subjective meanings .
8 Indeed , the realization should come that there are all sorts of rival positions , and that there is no absolute way of choosing between them .
9 The other thing you should remember is that there are all sorts of confidences that you can apply to these sort of things .
10 When you 're trying to write down speech , you can see that there are all sorts of problems initially , of how much you write down .
11 When you actually have to do it , you discover that there are all kinds of problems with it in practice , but in principle the , the situation I think is completely clear .
12 Does he further agree , however , that there are many cities , towns and villages in the former Soviet Union with less famous names which also need urgent food aid ?
13 erm but I would say , on the whole , my guess is that there are many girls that perhaps could go into science and could make contributions to science but do n't do so simply because their families do n't understand it and the schools do n't support them .
14 More generally , it seems that there are many cases where prenominal adjectives express occasion values , and not a few where a characteristic , in his sense , is expressed by a postnominal adjective .
15 One problem that we must also leave until the next chapter is the fact that there are many cases of English words with alternative possible stress patterns ( e.g. ‘ controversy ’ , either or ) .
16 But the painful reality is that there are many splits within the Christian family .
17 Others believe it to have a strong cultural component ; and point out that there are many cultures in which it is not apparent , sexual interest and behaviour increasing continuously in the pre-adolescent years .
18 ‘ I 'm not sure that there are many things suitable for men , though , ’ she added , looking helplessly at the aprons , bed jackets and hand-knitted babies ' woollens .
19 I know that there are many women who have a very rough time at home , but you 're asking me if I think men have changed , and I think in that way , domestically , I think they have , but I do n't think their attitude has changed in the workplace .
20 They feel he is on their side which is like a breath of fresh air in this game for most of us have known to our cost that there are many jockeys who do n't always give their 100pc — especially when our money is down .
21 Many couples go through agony before they conceive but this shows that there are many successes . ’
22 Our conclusion must be that there are many criteria of organizational effectiveness , some of which are mutually exclusive , yet , paradoxically , these seemingly conflicting attributes are able to co-exist and to work together .
23 This continuity existed among both employers and employees in many cases so that there are many farmers ' sons who also had to ‘ serve their time ’ alongside the hired labour force before taking over the farm and many elderly farm workers who can remember instructing their current employer in the ways of the farm when he was a small boy .
24 Equally it must be understood that there are many farmers who perpetrate these changes with genuine personal regret , but who feel compelled to do so by economic circumstances .
25 We can see , then , that there are many elements and factors in this change in gender roles .
26 The hon. Gentleman will be aware that there are many views in the House about exactly what any reform of Sunday trading should involve .
27 There is no doubt that there are many reasons for the steady breakdown of law and order and these must be examined .
28 You know that there are many paths leading to the house and from the house , but : ( a ) You do not know how many there are , where they come from , or where they go to .
29 Remember that there are many agencies who can provide advice training for key staff , assessment and counselling .
30 Our work so far has obviously only been of a preliminary nature , but even so it is clear that there are many strands in the concept of participation and public involvement in decision-making related to novel energy systems .
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