Example sentences of "that if [pron] [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The more I read about Opposition policy the more convinced I am that if they were in government there would be no food left to eat in this country .
2 When I told him that if we were to be married I would n't ask my father for a penny he … well , he threw me out . ’
3 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
4 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
5 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
6 At home people rallied round automatically ; it was taken for granted that if someone was in trouble then it was everyone else 's business to help .
7 Use a little star to indicate which is the asymmetric centre which kiral centre and all it means is that if you were to dra , if you had a a kiral molecule in other words , it had four different groups attached to it what it means is that it and it 's mirror image , this is the way you actually draw it and answer the questions you draw you draw it as if there was a mirror image .
8 The Ocean is calm , so calm you could believe it to be lacquered wood rather than water and that if you were in a hurry you could leave the boat and walk to shore .
9 Not even that if you were in London five days a week . ’
10 I think erm if you shopping performance the week before and if the programme have been sponsored by Kellogg 's Cornflakes then it 's possible that if you were in your local erm Sainsbury shop and were faced with a number of alternatives to buy , there is possibly a chance that you can buy Kellogg 's Cornflakes .
11 Well I know that if I was at work .
12 ‘ I just thought Britain was getting like a treadmill , and that if I was on the spot in the States I 'd be able to chivvy them around a bit more .
13 I knew that if I was with prostitutes it would be very difficult for me to get into the drug community and be accepted . ’
14 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
15 All they told me was that if I were on the public payroll I 'd take a ride out to Westminster Drive and have a long talk with Mrs. Laura Channing .
16 ‘ I wo n't deny that if I were in London and war broke out I 'd probably join up .
17 He realised that if he was to be successful he would have to take them at speed .
18 He knew that if he was to be sure of winning he had to hole it .
19 Her mother never tired of speaking of her own father , Don Humberto , who had been a gentleman adventurer and a favourite at the court of King John , but she had never met Dom João and could only assure Sara that if he was at all like his grandfather or his Uncle Pedro ( the one who had died at sea ) he would be a man of great charm , intelligence and wit .
20 Does the Secretary of State accept that Britain has the most cost efficient coal industry in Europe , producing the cheapest coal , and that if it were in any one of the other 11 European countries there would be no question of its further contraction at this time ?
21 One issue that is particularly damaging is the decision by the Labour party that if it were in power it would tax British farmers and give the money to the farmers of Spain , Portugal and Greece .
22 Well no I thought we agreed that if it was in the southern boundaries , the locations it does n't matter what were
23 ‘ Colonel , ’ I said , ‘ I know that if it was within your power and it was up to you , that you would free me . ’
24 I am absolutely convinced that if she was at all worried about my ‘ drug activities ’ it would have manifested itself , like in difficulties at school or something .
25 Perhaps Elena thought that if she was in sole charge she could make a proper tyrant out of him .
26 However , the concert party folded before we had had more than a few ragged rehearsals , mainly because Bob 's girlfriend , a tall , bossy Waaf who fancied herself as another Vera Lynn , suddenly went all narrow-minded and decreed that if there was to be a chorus line , we were not to show our legs but to wear slacks .
27 Well I would have thought that if there was to be some assessment of a reasonable expectation of development proceeding , then there ought to be some assessment of demand , and I have n't seen that yet .
28 my Lord I , I suppose the answer to that is yes , it could be on the facts , it could be that if there was in a free market then they 'd be all sorts of varieties of clause whereby the name and kept the agent funds , erm maybe
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