Example sentences of "that we should [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Informing the auditors : It is a requirement of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales , under whose regulations and guidance we act , that we should notify a client 's incumbent auditors or accountants of the scope of our appointment in order that they may assess whether the appointment has a bearing on their own continuing responsibilities .
2 So I went upstairs and proposed that we should do a house-to-house on those two areas .
3 Without wishing to alarm patients , I believe that we should do a comprehensive anonymised HIV seroprevalence study based around the medical practice of individuals recently found to be HIV infected .
4 As Ian Oswald once remarked , we know very little about the function of everyday , waking consciousness , so perhaps it is over-optimistic to believe that we should achieve a complete understanding of sleeping consciousness merely because we have reliable physiological indices of when dreams are likely to occur .
5 What , however , caused almost universal consternation was my suggestion that we should go a stage further and see whether it was possible to introduce ‘ portable ’ pensions — pensions which you could take from one job to another .
6 As I 've said the Policy Committee guideline was that we should set a budget within the range seventy two million to seventy three point three million , which means at the lower level , if you go for the lower level er to which says for ninety four five about almost exactly a million pounds .
7 If I am not able to visit the Western Isles in the near future , I shall certainly act on his suggestion that we should send a team of Scottish Office officials and that will be arranged as soon as is reasonably practicable .
8 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
9 It is even just that we should assign a greater degree of responsibility to children , for madmen , by virtue of their lack of free will , are completely without responsibility , while children , insofar as they possess reason in a partially developed form , can be held responsible ( i.e. can be required to take responsibility ) to a corresponding degree .
10 Erm , that the , that we should support the principle , we agreed the principle at the last meeting , in support of the business link and satellite in Oswestry , that we should sup support the principle of supporting a business link satellite in Craven Arms , and that we should appoint a representative to the business links board .
11 It is Schüssler Fiorenza who has been foremost among those who have argued that we should promote a solidarity of sisterhood with the women of the earliest Christian community .
12 Better that Aretha Franklin had not been born than that we should endure a drop more of this acid rain of spittle !
13 ‘ Mrs Atkinson 's doctor has advised us that we should consider a transfer . ’
14 I believe that we should establish a different international organization that is up to the task of managing whaling . "
15 The recommendations er , Chairman , are that the , that we should support a payment of five thousand pounds to business link which we can find funds from existing resources that we 've got .
16 So it seems to me first of all that we should maintain a state of military preparedness , not because the Soviet Union is likely to attack us , but , simply because it represents this huge area of instability on our Eastern Frontiers , but I think also we should be more positive , I do n't think we want to do secret deals in C I A style , er , in fact I think we want the maximum of open diplomacy .
17 That is not to suggest , however , that we should adopt a whole curriculum approach to the exclusion of work supporting particular children .
18 I know that my hon. Friend the Member for Aldridge-Brownhills ( Mr. Shepherd ) has a longstanding opposition to guillotines , but he will recall that many hon. Members on both sides of the House have proposed that we should adopt a procedure under which there is an automatic timetable motion in respect of all Bills .
19 That we should find a mind of such devious ways . ’
20 It is essential that we should find a way to control our currency and to make it stable .
21 The result of this was a surprise telephone call from Jenny herself suggesting that we should call a meeting .
22 That we should take a more dispassionate view and consider the long-term effects of Briant 's work .
23 I would like to suggest , with respect to the historic churches , that we should take a lesson from the sects .
24 In view of the warm weather , he suggested that we should take a walk , for which purpose he would change into lighter things .
25 A recollection of John Davies , the minister for Europe in Heath 's cabinet , indicated the mood , ‘ We were at home in Cheshire , and I said to my wife and children that we should have a nice time , because I deeply believed then that it was the last Christmas of its kind that we would enjoy . ’ ,
26 It has often been argued that the House of Lords should be abolished and that we should have a unicameral system of Government .
27 Well I feel erm really that we should have a little bit more compassion amongst ourselves as women and when I had my first child I had a very good friend who went through the pregnancy with me who is waiting for a child to arrive by adoption , and she had the baby a couple of months after I had my baby .
28 And I believe that we should have a policy , whereby children would normally receive communion when they are in a communion service .
29 Is it not a fact that the very serious death threat that has been made against a British citizen — a death threat made by someone who is , in effect , the leader of a foreign country with which we have diplomatic relations is of such importance that we should have a statement at the earliest opportunity ?
30 I reiterate that we should have a Scottish bus passengers ' consultative committee and I am trying to relate the new clause to my believe that we should have an overall consultative committee .
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