Example sentences of "that she think [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 This explanation is borne out by the remark of one middle-class housewife : ‘ I do n't go about feeling discontented ’ , the implication being that she thinks she might be expected to do so .
2 And , anyway , she was n't so deluded that she thought they might make a life together .
3 When I push her off me and over she whispers that she thought I 'd be tired at this hour of night .
4 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
5 Well , she asked me to kiss her , which of course I did , and then she said maybe she would n't marry him ; that she thought she might be in love with me .
6 Lee suddenly felt so sad that she thought she would never move again .
7 And they talked to her , most politely : the Martin man asked her when she was doing her Finals , and she told him , and he asked her what she was going to do then , and she said that she thought she would do a teacher 's training course .
8 Then she went upstairs to tell Giovanna that she thought she would not be able to stay for her Italian lesson , because she felt so ill , and took herself painfully back across the Grand Canal to her temporary home .
9 An endless falling through time and space , and ecstasy so intense that she thought she would die .
10 The afternoon passed by in such a confusion of sights and sounds that she thought she would never remember any of them .
11 He put his hands on her shoulders , towering over her , his powerful body so compelling that she thought she would fall if he let her go .
12 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
13 Piers turned around to face her , and for a split second his glance swept over her with appreciation , but the moment was gone so quickly that she thought she must have imagined it .
14 For some reason , this letter so unnerved her that she thought she must rush down to the sea at once , and run the thudding in her head quite out of it .
15 Every motion sent her senses reeling , deeper and deeper into the furnace they had entered together , until at last , as she soared to a height of such intensity of feeling that she thought she must burst , something exploded in her brain , and she was awash with the dizzying sensation of all-consuming love .
16 She lay awake for a long time that night , going over the conversation with her mother , trying to work out what she should say to Leo , and she rehearsed so many and varied conversations that she thought she 'd go mad .
17 ‘ Well ? ’ he barked , clearly not ecstatic that she thought she could lay down conditions .
18 The hand under hers clenched on the settee cushion , his face went red , and his eyes flashed such vindictive rage for a moment that she thought he would hit her , then he controlled himself , sitting silently by her on the settee , until she felt his hand gradually relax .
19 Ruth 's heart began to thump so loudly that she thought he must hear it .
20 Luce sat perfectly still , her eyes on his face , her heart beating so loudly that she thought he must hear .
21 Arabel was once quoted as being terrified by a performance of Tchaikovsky 's Pathétique Symphony in Berlin so intense that she thought it would kill you .
22 As she pulled the dress over my head she said that she thought it would still fit her , that she could see the hole at the neckline where my grandmother had pinned a pearl brooch as something old , that the classic line never dated .
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