Example sentences of "that you [verb] n't have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was never given the details , but Mum did remark that you had n't had an easy time . ’
2 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
3 ‘ It is the fault of C1 that you do n't have today or tomorrow to get straight .
4 It has two wheels instead on one , this means that you do n't have to take any of the weight of the load or keep the cart balanced , so loads can easily be tipped .
5 One important lesson I learned early on ( which had not been obvious to me in the past ) was that you do n't have to give everything away , do n't have to reveal yourself completely to people .
6 Good lecterns today also have space for microphone wiring built into them so that you do n't have wire trailing around the place and looking unsightly , or a big boom mike stand in front .
7 What 's more , so that you do n't have to walk too far to get from place to place , most of the nightlife is crammed into one strip no more than 400 metres long , which has bars , cafés and discos on 3 levels , just like one enormous night club with over 50 bars and dance floors .
8 It had to be a British car , of course , since Pringle 's did so much business with the local automotive industry — not that Vic has ever driven a foreign car : foreign cars are anathema to him , their sudden invasion of British roads in the 1970s marked the beginning of the region 's economic ruin in his view — but he has to admit that you do n't have a lot of choice in British cars when it comes to matching the top-of-the-range Mercedes and BMWs .
9 Or , having decided on a day 's menu , discovering that you do n't have the right ingredients to hand ?
10 ‘ Stories are much easier to write in the sense that you do n't have to retain interest for 500-odd pages .
11 Direct Debit makes sure that your premiums are automatically kept up to date , and that you do n't have to worry about bills and reminders .
12 Instincts are behaviours that you do n't have to learn .
13 ‘ It helps that you do n't have to push the needle in .
14 Alex tries to demystify it , says its function is just to produce electricity for the National Grid efficiently and cleanly , that the main difference between this and any other power station is that you do n't have beside it a huge pyramid of polluting coal dust .
15 It makes you realise that you do n't have to say too much ; a little is enough .
16 I mean , the whole point of the matter , the whole thing it comes down to , is that you do n't have to settle for what is now .
17 The whole thing comes it down to , is that you do n't have to settle for what is now .
18 Another plus-point of Ark is that you do n't have to duplicate formulae on each row of data .
19 Reluctance to use this strategy can come from a feeling that you do n't have a right to control , that you ca n't call the shots , that you are powerless .
20 ‘ The trouble with the test is that you do n't have to be competent to drive .
21 An environmental change can ease this : it is much easier to say that you do n't have any sweets in the house than to say ‘ no ’ to a child who knows that they are in the cupboard .
22 Down-to-earth Ron , who says he knows nothing about gardening , proves that you do n't have to be an expert to make a super garden .
23 Which is shorthand for saying that you do n't have to cheat very much .
24 I would have expected Esquire to be a little more imaginative than to jump on the anti-Essex bandwagon and to realize that you do n't have to be brainless to live in Braintree .
25 The effect of this is that you do n't have to bother calculating anything — if you use 1in thick material , 7½in diameter .
26 If you ca n't do all this , the probability is that you do n't have any talented people around ( in which case there 's no way you 'll be successful and profitable tomorrow ) .
27 It 's tempting to think that Windows is so carefully organized that you do n't have to understand much about these processes at all .
28 So it means that you do n't have to be a brilliant singer .
29 Also , as he discovers after a little experiment , the windows of the shops here are constructed so that you do n't have to keep looking sideways to see yourself in them .
30 But looks are deceiving and , despite her daintiness , Jo 's no lightweight — for , as Home and Away 's policewoman Jane Holland , she 's proving that you do n't have to be big and brawny to act tough .
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