Example sentences of "that i was [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
2 Both our stomachs were set ; a tiny trickle of blood on the sheet confirmed what I had not noticed : that I was no longer a virgin .
3 I can only guess that by then he had so established himself in my mind as a man who was trying to help women that I was no longer objective .
4 Then I felt my fear and unhappiness disappear , as I knew that I was no longer alone in my responsibility for Sir Henry .
5 I do n't know when when you got this , at that time it was correct that I was no longer working , that I 'd finished working for as it says here er Bill theatrical company on the fourth of September .
6 I just signed forms to say that I was no longer responsible or had any claim on the property or whatever .
7 And I wanted a particular tape , oh I know it was a tape I 'd heard a coach driver using on the er on a coach trip that I was on so I got to know what it was erm and er I went round the usual shops no joy
8 But I did n't because I quickly discovered that I was even more fundamentally opposed to unnecessary pain — and resorted to an epidural anaesthetic .
9 Once the lessons began I realized that I was not nearly up to the standard of the others .
10 He told me that I was not badly hurt , and that the plan to catch Johann had been successful .
11 Not only did the idea come too late , he wrote , not only did the discipline come too late , not only did the resolution of individual problems come too late , but they came so late that I was not even aware of their lateness , and so they were doubly false and doubly useless and doubly meaningless .
12 Slaven added : ‘ I was disappointed and hurt that I was not even on the bench .
13 I thought that there must be something wrong with me , and I had to do something to prove that I was not just a thing which other people used , of value only because you , Papa , are so enormously rich .
14 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
15 But , because I felt even further away from being masculine , I was forced to amend this self-assessment and tell myself that I was not yet feminine .
16 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
17 I 'd like to say that I was not too sorry to see him go .
18 He would nod in reply , and I would creep away , sniggering at my tiny cruelty , pleased that I was not quite such a nice young man as he might have imagined .
19 Please remember when you are describing something that I was not there when it happened .
20 After all , we were no ordinary family , but a clan : I was told by my mother always to hold my head up high , and remember that I was not only a MacLeod , but a double MacLeod — MacLeod being also her maiden name .
21 Because I knew that I had my weaknesses , perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful .
22 For example , to Mrs Thrale he described the scene of this famed moment of quietude briefly — ‘ on a green bank , with a small stream running at my feet , in the midst of savage solitude , with Mountains before me , and on either hand covered with heath ’ — then commented , ‘ I looked round me , and wondered that I was not more affected , but the mind is not at all times equally ready to be put in motion . ’
23 Yet , as I moved forward , I began to think that I was not so stupid after all .
24 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
25 You can tell him that if he wants to meet me , I 'll be able to prove that I was right all along . ’
26 I was so glad that I was up here when she came off stage .
27 The therapist made me feel that my obsessions were not silly or trivial and , by implication , that I was n't either .
28 I wanted to prove that I was n't just good at sports .
29 Now it was I who could n't move ; more than that I was n't even able to form an idea of what it would be like to move .
30 I volunteered for the Grenadier Guards , well I had to go to Chelsea Barracks and after a week there , they decided that I was n't medically fit for them , although the doctor or the M O at the Ipswich Recruiting Officer said , oh yes , you 're A one you 'll be fine for the guard but cos I was fairly well built , stature wise .
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