Example sentences of "that i could [vb infin] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd go to the SS Great Britain and sit by the breezy river , and I 'd compose my stupid self and compose my story so that I could tell lies confidently instead of giving myself away .
2 I knew that I could achieve results despite the difficulties , and I knew that I had been able to demonstrate the ability to work with people of other countries .
3 It may surprise you to know that I could see things from your point of view there .
4 I catapulted the tiny beasts across the creek and into the mud on the far side so that I could have funerals .
5 I simply phoned them and erm they put , they put it up so that I could buy things on Access that I could get , well I mean those were the days when I knew that you could sell a house like
6 I found that I could say things with colour and shapes that I could n't day in any other way — things that I had no words for .
7 I really did n't feel capable of returning to work , but was persuaded to by one of my managers with the promise that I could take things easy .
8 There must be something in this : when morning came , amid some laughter , my husband re-enacted the closing chapter of the old year by going up into the rafters and suspending himself through the hole so that I could take photographs .
9 It points to truth which has become wisdom born of experience : This is Rolle 's version of 1 Corinthians 13:2 : And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries , and all knowledge , and if I should have all faith , so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing .
10 Then I felt that people cared about me , and that I could ask things of them , ask their advice .
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