Example sentences of "that i [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , ’ she replied tersely , ‘ I 'll make sure that I draw up a balance sheet next time .
2 The parents were removed and I estimated that I had over a hundred eggs .
3 She only liked me for my wealth , and when I , disguised as the gipsy woman , told her that I had only a little money , she and her mother lost interest in me .
4 I told you in another part of this saga of mine that I took over a Night in No 7 Squadron from a Flight Commander .
5 You may recall that I proposed earlier a scheme to do just that — namely , the registration of a new entry , but accompanied by a code known to the Registrar which would alert him in any case of attempted fraud .
6 Well I 've got the little blue packet yeah and I 'm screaming yeah I thought that I won about a hundred pounds or something yeah .
7 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
8 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
9 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
10 She carried her sandwich over to join him , saying : ‘ My excuse for being down here is that I have n't a moment to spare .
11 I know that I have only a few hours left to live , but I can feel my loved ones near me , and I welcome death .
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