Example sentences of "that it is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
2 I suspect that it is assumed by most people , including those who planned this course of lectures , that language is a means of communication — that this is what it is for ; and that since literature is made out of language , it too must be a kind of communication , as defined by , for instance , the Collins English Dictionary : ‘ the imparting or exchange of information , ideas , feelings ’ .
3 It is entirely land-locked , which means that it is bordered in all directions by other countries — Zambia , Zimbabwe , Namibia and South Africa .
4 Rather , he accepts as a sufficient reason for following a prescription the fact that it is prescribed by someone acknowledged by him as entitled to rule .
5 The aspect of society which is seen to be most important in this respect is called the dominant instance , and Althusser and his followers argue that it is determined in the last instance by the economy .
6 Its other main claim to fame is that it is credited with inventing the word tweed to describe the famous cloth first made in the area .
7 But if we turn to consider the [ … ] supply price with reference to a long period of time , we shall find that it is governed by a different set of causes , and with different results .
8 The investigators have put forward a theory suggesting that the gross organisation of human action is carried out by different parts of the mind from the fine detailed planning and control of behaviour , and that it is governed by emotional factors to a much greater extent than people had realised .
9 Lord Ackner referred , at p. 827 , to the function of the visitor as being the supervision ‘ of the internal rules of the foundation so that it is governed in accordance with those private laws which the founder has laid down … ’
10 Bob Simpson believes a bad trot is always about to end — not that it is bound to be extended .
11 I can not say , and I do not say , that it is bound to be .
12 I can not say , and I do not say , that it is bound to be .
13 It pointed out that it is bound by a constitution which limits its work to prisoners of conscience and the abolition of torture and the death penalty .
14 This bequest regarding the income from the land is like a prior legacy — except that it is worded as a trust .
15 The structure of the international economy — that it is shaped by relations between national economies , each with their own dynamic , and it is characterized by one national economy in a hegemonic position .
16 In freud , the point is similarly not just the question — on which most attention gets focused — of whether the event ‘ really ’ happened ( a good copy ) or was subsequently fantasized by the experiencing subject ( a bad copy ) , but rather that it is repeated as a disruptive event that fissures ordinary forms of psychic continuity and therefore gains analytic attention in the present .
17 The departmental affiliation of such a course does n't much matter provided that it is taught by people with relevant research experience .
18 Perhaps it oversimplifies the situation to treat these as two quite different uses of such expressions as ‘ I believe that seems , rather , that it is built into the meaning of ‘ I believe that … ’ that it hovers between expressing tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , and expressing belief or awareness that the speaker believes that it is so .
19 Spinoza says that it is no mere accident that this is never so , but that it is built into the essential nature of human beings that they need these relations with others for the achievement of personal fulfilment .
20 Thus he recognizes that it is built into our nature that self love has authority , and therefore should have control , over particular impulses .
21 The scene depicted seems vaguely Egyptian in style , but closer examination reveals that it is spattered with Masonic symbols — a pyramid covered with hieroglyphics , a chain with a five-pointed star , a trowel , a pair of compasses , and an hour-glass .
22 In situations where you do n't feel OK you can use your Adult to prevent the feelings ‘ surfacing ’ in your overt behaviour and to control your behaviour so that it is conducted on an I 'm OK — You 're OK basis .
23 A final reason for the possible failure of an appraisal system is that it is conducted as a top down , rather than a bottom up approach .
24 The reality of the process of change is that it is conducted in context .
25 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
26 To the human eye and senses , even the simply constructed single bloom of the hedgerow wild rose is so sublimely beautiful in the bud that it is represented in the earliest forms of art and pictorial decoration .
27 He reported after the Sixth Comintern Congress that ’ As a rule , when we tell our Latin American comrades , on meeting them for the first time , that the situation of their country is that of a semi-colony and consequently we must consider the problems concerning it from the viewpoint of our colonial or semi-colonial tactics , they are indignant at this notion and assert that their country is independent , that it is represented in the League of Nations , has its own diplomats , consulates , etc . ’
28 He is able to decide what sort of programme is suitable for his patients and make sure that it is run to a suitable standard .
29 Thus , the governors of the BBC — who are constitutionally the BBC — have to ensure that it is run in the public interest ; they also have to review its work .
30 Were it face-on to us , I suppose that binoculars would show the spiral ; it is a great pity that it is placed at such an unfavourable angle .
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