Example sentences of "that is [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No country has yet settled on how to rid itself forever of the thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste that is piling up at power plants .
2 Is it some aspect of your work or your life that is getting out of control ?
3 The wrenching cry at the start of the Finale claps a vice on the emotions that is sustained through to the ambivalent release provided by the Epilogue , and Barbirolli is one of the few conductors to prolong the agony of the climax by observing VW 's protracted emphasis on the grinding trombone and tube underpinning .
4 The new construct — the growth hormone gene joined to a promoter that is turned on by traces of metal — was injected with a fine pipette into the nucleus of a fertilized mouse egg .
5 NCR Corp has finally abandoned the traditional mainframe business , driven out of it by another company that is hanging on in there by its fingernails .
6 In certain areas of Britain there is also a ‘ tradition ’ of digging out badgers , so that they may be subjected to the same merciless treatment that is meted out to the fox .
7 As these winds fail the mass of ocean water that is piled up in the far western Pacific ( where the sea level is several centimetres higher than in the east ) comes flooding back .
8 If such covenants are mixed with negative covenants , which appear on the Register , or if they are contained in a document that is bound up in the certificate , they will be apparent , and a conveyancer acting for an original covenantor who is selling should peruse these covenants , providing in the contract for a covenant of indemnity against breach of any positive covenants by the buyer ( see below ) ; ( see special condition K , 34 ) .
9 Ditto with the sweet-smelling powder that is shrugged out by his obscurely culpable flesh …
10 ) Or did it reveal a conservative attitude at the heart of a movie that is dressed up in hippie garb ?
11 The circulating system wanders a little closer , deepens , is classified under a new title — a moderate tropical storm — and is given a name , Agnes perhaps , or Bob , an innocent , unassuming , rather cosy , old-fashioned sort of name that makes no connection in anybody 's mind with a swirling mass of warm air and piled clouds that is bearing down on the coast , thunder and lightning flickering from its belly , the waves beneath it being whipped up into a fury .
12 There is always a danger of war when you have a face to face confrontation that is building up in the Gulf at the moment .
13 about how many copies where they 've actually gone that that is some that is sent out to all school 's and quite considerable numbers are sent out .
14 That is , policing is experiential : it is based on the common sense that is built up from doing the job , and senior constables have some influence on the meaning which new recruits give this ‘ common sense ’ .
15 From the small paved area near the house a path leads down one side of the garden , giving access to the rotary drier and flanking the small lawn that is built up from a strong flowing curve , this helping to lead the eye away from those rectangular boundaries .
16 That overlooks the protection that is built in to the dampened banding system .
17 There will always be books which are worth launching with a party because you are going to get wide coverage , but the half-page ad in Cosmo on your own is n't worth half as much as an advertorial that is tied in with a bookshop group .
18 They are woven from rather coarse flexible tubing , and are driven from a compressed-air supply that is strapped on at the waist .
19 Thus there has to be some mechanism that would eliminate the very large effective cosmological constant and so change the rate of expansion from an accelerated one to one that is slowed down by gravity , as we have today .
20 Codes , in short , owe their meanings - and the variety that is constructed out of their monotonous elements - to consciousness .
21 Have you been of work for a while then with the dreaded flu ? ? . i hope your little one did not catch it it is a particularly strong virus that is going around at the moment .
22 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
23 In such circumstances the individual can not think entirely of himself , and certainly the therapist can no longer afford the luxury of ignoring everything that is going on outside the consulting room ; finally , in the specific circumstances of psychoanalytic theory , the individualistic fallacy can no longer go unchallenged .
24 During my right hon. Friend 's discussions , did he have a chance to discuss the appalling slaughter that is going on between Armenians and Azeris , not least over the Armenian conclave of Nagorny-Karabakh ?
25 Mutuality is at the heart of the Godhead , ‘ the divine litany , the Father to Son to Spirit communication that is going on in the life of God himself . ’
26 The view also implies that the teacher is seen by pupils as having total responsibility for leading and controlling the work that is going on in the classroom .
27 Friends tell one another just about everything that is going on in each other 's lives …
28 The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East immediately tried to suppress that , and that is indicative of the battle that is going on in the Labour party — It was said by the Leader of the Opposition himself .
29 Once it is understood that the symptoms of disease are actually a good thing in that they are the highly characteristic outward indication of the healing and balancing process that is going on inside each individual person , then to give a medicine that is capable of mimicking and bringing about that same process suddenly seems to be a good idea ; both totally reasonable and logical .
30 Although this appears to be a field of management studies that is going out of fashion , nevertheless I think one disregards the work of sociologists at one 's peril .
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