Example sentences of "that it [is] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So I do n't think that we 're turning them away , I think it 's just in church that it 's probably not the most appropriate place to have lots of smoke .
2 To go into details of that it 's probably much more sensible to do it with just two or three people .
3 My hair is so thick and there 's so much of it that it 's just too annoying for me .
4 Campaigners say they 'll continue to fight for Standish , but at the hospital tonight there was an overwhelming feeling that it 's already too late .
5 But they are taking the view that they will only provide the service equipment , that 's the cabling and the installation and what have you , but not the cameras and that it 's again up to the Police Authority to provide the cameras .
6 Mike says that it 's surprisingly not just at this time of the year when they have trouble with bonfires that go out of control .
7 Do n't get the impression that it 's easy though .
8 The problem with using small group work with young children is that it 's inevitably rather disparate : they will happily play for long periods , but find it difficult to share each other 's work unless there is a powerful dramatic context , as is provided by whole group work , which gives us the chance to really focus the drama .
9 Well I think that most of us feel that it 's absolutely up to you , the individuals whether they keep any of this or not .
10 Yes , take her — I 'll check with Hawick 's office that it 's all right if you come mob-handed , but I 've a feeling in my water about this one .
11 If children witness a quarrel , but then see that you still love each other , they will realise that a row is not the end of the world and will learn that it 's all right to fight — as long as we make up later .
12 He held her hand and said , ‘ You must go in by yourself , and tell Mother very quietly that it 's all right .
13 She felt as though confronted by a child : it 'll be all right , she wanted to say , I 'll see that it 's all right .
14 You 've got a fair bit of our money tied up at the moment , and naturally we 've got to see that it 's all right .
15 You can imagine my relief now that it 's all over , and that it has turned out to be such a beautiful , conventional , dream wedding .
16 She is awake and happy that it 's all over .
17 Howard Kendall has fined him and said that it 's all over .
18 Says that it 's all too personal , I 'll spit
19 ‘ Funnily enough , now that it 's actually here , I ca n't say I do .
20 The first pad , if you hold it up against any of the other pads , you 'll see that it 's actually slightly shorter .
21 I think it would be helpful for people who smoke erm , to think about just how very powerful a drug it is , because I know there have been studies done which show that it 's actually more difficult to stay off cigarettes than it is to stay off heroine .
22 ‘ One of the things that has been said is that it 's actually very difficult to get a purchaser for your shares on the USM even though in theory it 's an open market .
23 Yeah , I mean , that 's going , that it 's actually quite powerful situations , normally er you got roles worked out , and exactly who 's doing what .
24 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
25 Make sure you feel comfortable in the bag — that it 's long enough and wide enough for you .
26 I have to say though that it 's usually very embarrassing to see a group of professional dancers dancing in a club — because they are trained to be self-conscious , they ca n't let go of themselves .
27 I particularly like the way the teacher 's emphasising that it 's sometimes all right to be rude to adults .
28 That 's something which has developed so quickly that it 's almost ahead of us ( as it were ) in terms of planning .
29 THERE 'S a generally held view that it 's almost always females who are victims of sexual abuse .
30 Three to one , four to one , that simply means that it 's that much easier to pull everything in .
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