Example sentences of "that it [vb mod] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But I would very much hope that it wo n't be necessary for interest rates to go up any higher than necessary . ’
2 He also insists that it wo n't be a fly-by-night operation , that his commitment to the community is lasting and genuine .
3 ‘ If it is full steam ahead for next year , I 'd predict that it wo n't be a marathon slog , although we 'll probably try to do as many countries as possible .
4 Even when she has selected a place and a time , the female cuckoo has still got the problem of introducing her egg into the host 's nest in such a way that it wo n't be rejected .
5 And I have no doubt that it wo n't be long before we see him in a Bearcat .
6 Although Sun has re-iterated that it wo n't be doing a 64-bit Sparc implementation itself for at least the next three years — ‘ there is no need for it yet ’ ( UX No 376 ) — the company is seeking to define the space in which some are already working — Hal Computer Systems Inc for one .
7 Skates forecasts that it wo n't be until early 1993 that sales of the Unix-based AViiON workstation and server line cross the proprietary MV line .
8 It 's important to remember that it wo n't be a real job .
9 Er not that it wo n't be in York but that .
10 ‘ And before they spend vast sums on the publicity launch , they 'd like to know that it wo n't be too much for you . ’
11 I suppose she 's worried that it wo n't be gone before the guests arrive … and they 'll be starting to come soon . ’
12 it was n't accepted then er and we hope er that it wo n't be accepted now because the County Council thinks that with the level of provision for migration development , er there is sufficient flexibility within its policy .
13 The fact is that it wo n't be an integrated service .
14 The one role that it wo n't be able to carry out is , as we were talking earlier , about the er J P two three three , runway denial weapon and also er nuclear .
15 ‘ No , but I know my son is impatient to marry his true love and that it wo n't be long . ’
16 He says that it wo n't be the end of the coal industry , it 'll just become more concentrated .
17 It had been pulling the small cart through backstreets for years now and seemed to know instinctively that it would probably be required to stop at any moment , so there was no point in hurrying .
18 and hinted that it would probably be a good idea if the Rector of St. Mary 's , the Vicar of St. Peter 's , and Mr. John Meridyth ( another Grammar School Visitor from the 1850s ) , who were considered to be at the root of the trouble , were not appointed Trustees .
19 She knew , however , that getting herself into trouble as well would n't help them ; going by the sounds of fighting outside , she knew that it would probably be almost suicidal to risk going out tonight .
20 Glumly we returned to Wick on one engine knowing that it would probably be a pay off job in the middle of our tour .
21 Faced with the difficulties of tracing theses , borrowing them , and then extracting the relevant data from them , it is perhaps surprising that the views expressed by one interviewee , that it would probably be cheaper to find a new student and to repeat the research , are not more widely held .
22 Alf opined that it would probably be a choice between fish cakes and cheese pie .
23 and this is why military strategies have always said we were gon na get we could hold them for a year , two years maybe three , but in the preventional warfare we would start loosing and military strategy have always said along that it would probably be somebody like France or us that would first use the nuclear weapon
24 The North might well observe too that it would rather be free of national economic policies that have only succeeded , over so many post-war years and through several alternating governments , in bringing the country to a level of GNP per head visibly falling behind all our respectable rivals — and some newcomers till recently beneath notice .
25 We could only dispose of this debris in the raging Shyok and hope that it would eventually be carried , via the Indus , to the northern frontiers of Pakistan — a region I well remember for its almost total lack of any suitable fuel container !
26 Where a government is very keen to press on with its programme , and where it can foresee that it would otherwise be frustrated by pressure of time , it can move that a timetable be adopted for a particular measure and , if the House so resolves , the Business Committee of the House will arrange a programme for a particular Bill , setting aside a specific number of days for each stage .
27 Any member or creditor aggrieved by the dissolution can apply within the following 20 years for restoration of the company name on the grounds that the company was in fact continuing to operate , or that it would otherwise be just to do so ( s 653 , Companies Act 1985 ) .
28 The answer is probably that it would rarely be so .
29 It was felt that it would rarely be necessary to call a computer expert , since in the majority of cases it would be sufficient to have someone that was familiar with the operation of the computer .
30 But I came to feel it would be a step backwards for me to abort the pregnancy , that it would n't be moving my life forward .
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