Example sentences of "that it [verb] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her fair hair was so long that it touched his hand whenever they sat side by side .
2 He has stayed on the contract/corporate side of the fence ever since because he feels that it suits his style and temperament .
3 He complained that it reduced his ability to walk around which was already somewhat restricted by arthritis .
4 Then she laughed ; her laughter so cold , so unlike the laughter he had known from her , that it made his flesh tingle with fear .
5 He became so desperate at one stage that it crossed his mind to give up the game altogether .
6 His last major document , Evangelii Nuntiandi ( 1975 ) , was even more ‘ collegial ’ in that it represented his resolution of the impasse of the 1974 Synod on Evangelization .
7 The American embassy in Lilongwe reacted at once , saying that it viewed his arrest ‘ in the most serious way ’ and urged his immediate release .
8 To the end of his days , the poor man was addicted to psychoanalysis — agreeing that it sapped his independence and self respect but unable to kick the habit .
9 I think — I hope — that in a sense the relief of having a young assistant was not only that it helped his work , but that he also welcomed the presence of a younger doctor with more up-to-date medical knowledge .
10 He was a man of great vision and he would , I feel , not have been greatly surprised that this old castle might one day be part of a seat of learning and a university , but he would I am sure have been very proud , that it carries his name ‘ Napier University ’ .
11 An accurate description , to the extent that it highlights his lack of a cultural , familial tradition weighing him down .
12 Recalling that ‘ this country was built on ruins ’ , he added that it remained his aim to strive for a classless society .
13 He alleged that he had been the victim of a politically motivated investigation and stated that it remained his intention to seek a 16th term of office in November 1992 .
14 It was a miserable time ; the winter proved too much for him , and at the beginning of 1956 he had a severe attack of bronchitis : his coughing and choking were so bad that it induced his tachycardia .
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