Example sentences of "that it [verb] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Ronni shot her response at him like a reflex action , a little guiltily aware that it had rather less to do with the truth and rather more to do with her sudden need for a shield .
2 Disappointed , though , that it had so little capacity , that the machine 's power was squandered so liberally on the user interface rather than running the applications .
3 The emperor attended the première , and seemed to approve , despite his observation that it had too many notes ( ‘ Just as many as are necessary , your majesty , ’ Mozart is said to have replied ) .
4 He waved the paper at her , and , even at a distance , she could see that it said very little .
5 His major criticism of Murder in the Cathedral had been that it contained too much obvious " poetry " , and in the new play he wanted to create a more flexible and less ostensible verse line which could handle demotic or rarefied material equally well .
6 The essential feature of the life which Eliot had constructed for himself is that it contained as few surprises as possible : it has been said that , for over thirty years , he patronized the same tailor , the same tobacconist and the same wine merchant .
7 The Provisional IRA has admitted that it carried out this mass murder .
8 Regarding economic management , one tenet of monetarism is that the effects of money supply changes involve both long and variable lags , so that it assumes too much expertise on behalf of politicians to imagine they can time expansive monetary policy to their advantage .
9 There is also ‘ value-rational ’ ( wertrational ) action , where the goal is so dominant for the actor that it drives out all calculation or concern for consequences .
10 The most important was that it offered far more opportunity professionally .
11 So , while in 1814 the prime criticism of the idea was that it expected too much of human nature , too much of the people who were to live in the communities and of those who were to put them there , while then it was in short a social criticism , by 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense .
12 Not that it mattered very much because he was living in my flat and was n't going to starve , but I said to him , there is only one way that you can make quick , ready money and that is going out in cabaret .
13 The Divisional Court felt that it followed inexorably that privilege must attach to the photocopies made in those circumstances .
14 ONE problem with a high-tech war is that it requires so much technology .
15 Amstrad has eschewed the popular PenPoint operating system on the grounds that it is overly complex for the PDA 's requirements — which is basically to emulate a paper-based organiser , and that it requires too much processor horse-power .
16 The US and the Anglo-Saxon countries , for example , complain that it spends too much time and makes too little progress on basic standards , which they see as of benefit to developing countries alone .
17 That is not bad considering that it spends so much of its time pulling a boat around .
18 Set the microphone so that it picks up that group and use the resulting recording to set tasks for trainees which focus them on the learner .
19 Although the mainstream group , Fatah , made clear that it ruled out any question of subverting the Hashemite regime , other groups , of which the PFLP was the most notable , made equally clear their view that the overthrow of the Hashemites was a necessary preliminary to the recovery of Palestine .
20 The trouble with the poll tax , as with comprehensive education , was that it took too little account of how we really are .
21 In the western provinces , where the newly established , populist , Reform Party had campaigned strongly against the agreement on the grounds that it made too many concessions to Quebec , the margins of rejection were the highest in the country .
22 As one of the best records of 1990 it was actually a lucky escape that it sold so few copies , missed Top Of The Pops , slipped the chance of a slot on youth TV and lost the chase for Sunday newspaper publicity .
23 Des Collins , of the Royal Ontario Museum , doubts that it deserves quite such an honour .
24 She wondered if she would have let herself get involved had she known in advance that it entailed so much messing with entrails .
25 Eventually the snow was so deep that it filled in all the fields with only the top few inches of the wall sticking out .
26 ( This means that it takes up more hospital space than any other single illness . )
27 Not that it meant very much , because when you thought about it it was n't something really to celebrate but today , June 28th , was his birthday .
28 I mean , the side bits look nice heavier cos it 's it gives you that it goes up that way .
29 The trouble with the entire left is that it talks too much .
30 Unfortunately the orientation of the palazzo means that it gets very little sun to set it off ; this together with the dark paint and stonework , means it looks rather sombre .
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