Example sentences of "that the [noun sg] be on " in BNC.

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1 Thus the fact , if it is a fact , that the cat is on the mat , in an ontological sense , and contrary to what ordinarily might appear , is just as essential to the identity of the cat as any other of the cat 's properties .
2 Many of the large old psychiatric hospitals have succeeded in making good use of their facilities , in breaking down the whole organization into smaller , semi-autonomous units , and in ensuring generally that the emphasis is on the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients rather than simply on their care and custody .
3 It is best NOT to sing a hymn during this procession so that the emphasis is on the action of GIVING .
4 And Stefan , try to write up the Luxembourg so that the emphasis is on that and it detracts from the fact that we 're resurrecting those three tired old numbers we 've so often done before .
5 As one increasingly explicit act followed another , it became clear that the emphasis is on strip rather than tease .
6 Last October when Drouot salerooms carried out their regular annual inspection of Ader Tajan 's accounts , rumours — quickly denied by Drouot Chairman Joel Millon — began circulating that the company was on the brink of bankruptcy .
7 However , he stressed that the company was on budget and was confident of regaining lost ground thanks to new promotions .
8 It is commonly rumoured that the King was on his way to stay with his new wife , Queen Yolande , at a nearby manor .
9 The ANC yesterday made a discreet ‘ no comment ’ on the latest rumours that the couple are on the verge of divorce .
10 One aspect of the case which is not explored in the judgment is the fact that the appellant was on parole when the offence was committed , although by the time he was sentenced it seems that his licence would either have been close to expiry or have expired already .
11 Occasionally the pressure for favours from a voter who felt that the obligation was on the other side , because of the applicant 's voting record , could be excessive , and it might be pushed far beyond what the politician would consider reasonable .
12 One diplomatic source in Lisbon , however , said : ‘ The Portuguese are of the opinion that the government is on the verge of military collapse .
13 If the new Clause is accepted , it will be a signal to every fascist and everyone opposed to homosexuality that the Government are on their side . '
14 Mr Lang also told the grand committee that figures due out this week , covering the year to December 1992 , would show marked improvements in the length of time National Health Service patients spent waiting for treatment ; a record number of patients and that the Government was on course to meet the guarantee that virtually no-one would have to wait more than 18 months for treatment .
15 The fact that the sample was on display at all , bore silent testimony to the success of the most expensive and profound voyage ever to be undertaken by man .
16 However , recently a spokesman for a well-known oil company claimed that they were really the Davids in this country and that the boot WAS on the other foot' Doubtless , central and local government would also claim that they are simply the servants of the public and not their masters .
17 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
18 ‘ Nobody else could see that the man was on a financial treadmill , that his expenses were so huge he had to spend 50 weeks a year on the road to afford two weeks in his castle in Normandy . ’
19 A glance at the television monitor showed that the Chancellor was on his feet , replying to the brief debate .
20 Yet in an article published a decade later , Herz reassessed his claims and retracted his thesis that the state was on the way out .
21 Longing for revolution , they convinced themselves that the peasantry were on the point of a mighty revolt .
22 But for the fact that the rioters supported the Government , itself widely believed to regard the riots with tacit approval , it could have been said that the country was on the point of revolution .
23 On Oct. 29 Sir Gaëtan Duval , leader of the opposition Parti Mauricien Social-Démocrate ( PMSD ) , said that the country was on the " brink of dictatorship " and reiterated his claims that the elections had been rigged .
24 He grabbed at one leg of the dressing-trolley to steady himself , forgetting his own weight and that the trolley was on wheels .
25 This contradicts the requirement on the quotation that the contract be on the standard conditions of the seller .
26 Yet if the example is modified a little , so that the overtaking is on a country road at night and the risk is known to be slight , it becomes questionable whether the causing of death in these circumstances should be labelled in the same way as intentional killings .
27 Somewhere among all these trees the Friar was in pursuit of his sack , not knowing that the sack was on Marian 's shoulder .
28 Turning swiftly , she saw at once that the Brownie was on the forbidden side of the fence .
29 When the victim returned on the fateful day , he had in the interim heard that the medal was on a list of stolen property .
30 One of the dangers of the current climate for admission , which makes it more difficult than it has been in recent years for students to get into universities , is that the concentration is on the techniques of application , rather than on what lies behind the mechanical process .
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