Example sentences of "that woman [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Justice Jowitt told the jury that previously it had been shown in cases of alleged sexual misconduct that women may be tempted to exaggerate or fabricate .
2 In contrast , high-rise housing was originally intended in part to undermine this definition of the domestic ideal ; by using a quite different urban built form and providing communal facilities such as creches and canteens , it was thought that women would be liberated both from the ideology of domesticity and its actuality .
3 It is true , of course , that women would be spared the agony of choice .
4 For many men it implied that women would be introduced to freedoms and pleasures previously enjoyed only by themselves , and conceived in exactly the same terms .
5 Apart from the purely oppressive aspect — that these people felt that women must be seen and not heard , that taking part in an industrial struggle was not right for a woman — there was the undeniable fact that in these families money was desperately needed .
6 But this is to allow the opponent to set the terms for debate , accepting assumptions that feminists ought perhaps to question ( for example , that women should be treated equally only to the extent that they resemble men ) and thus conceding a vital part of the argument .
7 It is extremely odd that the Labour party should propose that women should be barred from jobs because of their husband 's position in public life .
8 She was appalled that women should be attended by male doctors , and of male attendance in childbirth she wrote :
9 Of course it is admirable that expectations are high and that women should be given greater autonomy ( and hope for more in the sexual area than their Victorian forebears ) .
10 That up to the time in Edinburgh , the Monotype machines have been largely , if not chiefly , operated by women , and that women have proved themselves entirely competent to work these machines , so that it seems a great hardship that women should be debarred from working at them in future .
11 The Guild is now advocating that further steps should be taken , namely , that women should be made eligible for seats on town councils .
12 Rather it suggests that women should be allowed to differentiate .
13 He never for example suggests that women should be allowed into the inner courts of the temple , or take upon themselves the obligations of prayer laid on men .
14 He does n't think that women should be allowed so much freedom of movement , although he understands that this is regrettably the custom , to this day , among white women . ’
15 When in 1861 Louisa Twining proposed to a government Select Committee that women should be allowed to stand for election as Poor Law Guardians , she agreed that they should not interfere in the male province of finance and administration , and should not have any say over the treatment of male paupers .
16 In the Hackney Young Socialists there was formal recognition that women should be allowed to be the chair , or vice-chair , but in Clive 's world women were the secretaries , unless they were very sophisticated cool people . ’
17 It makes perfect sense that old , disabled and non-adult persons should be excluded from the reference of this phrase , but no sense that women should be excluded — unless the word adult really means adult male .
18 Having in Scotland lost the vote for the ordination of women to the priesthood , it seemed profitable to argue that women should be ordained to the diaconate ( that is to say be made deacons , not simply deaconesses ) .
19 The Green Book recommended that women should be equipped for the tasks which their nature fits them for , and that therefore they should be educated .
20 In 1918 she wrote on ways of improving housing and housekeeping so that women could be freed for employment .
21 The repeated assertions in the New Testament that ‘ wives should obey their husbands ’ and that women will be saved by childbearing , reflect the war of familial , patriarchal Christianity against egalitarian , celibate Christianity .
22 ‘ It is likely that women will be prescribed less expensive , older pills , ’ Company claimed .
23 It should be noted moreover that such a Christology is not predicated upon saying that the difference between the sexes is of minimal importance , or simply to be compared with differences of race , with the implication that women can be said to be like Christ and so for example be ordained .
24 Intriguingly , in his third proposition in favour of the argument that women can be priested , Thomas himself comments that orders lie in the soul , which is the same for both sexes , a point to which curiously ( as George Tavard has pointed out ) he makes no reply .
25 This kind of sexism can be ( and has been ) noted , but it is hard to get rid of because it occurs in ‘ unregulated ’ contexts : nobody has made or written down a rule saying that women can be addressed as ‘ dearie ’ or referred to as ‘ bitches ’ .
26 Several pilot projects are under way to show that women can be persuaded to attend for screening and that lower than average bone mass will be found in some .
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