Example sentences of "that any [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This means that any real set of figures obtained by adding records to a file would be expected , due to normal random variations , to show larger discrepancies from the calculated figures .
2 Mr Garcia has said the IMF has become more ‘ flexible ’ , particularly in accepting that any economic programme for Peru would require ‘ concessional ’ financing in view of the country 's depressed economy and political problems .
3 3.6 To the extent that the Tenant has exclusive possession of the Premises at any time before completion of the Lease the Tenant shall hold the same as Tenant at will of the Landlord The tenant may wish to delete this clause despite a footnote to the precedent to the effect that any purported determination of the tenancy at will by the landlord ( other than where provided for in clause 5 ) would presumably contribute a breach of contract , ie for withdrawing the authority granted by clause 3.5 .
4 A description that covers both cases is to say that geodesics are stationary paths ; this means that any small deviation of path from a geodesic produces no change in the length to first order in the deviation .
5 On nuclear power , the government promises that any future proposal by UK Nirex Ltd for an underground waste disposal site will be subject to a public inquiry .
6 It would seem that any future developments of OPACs can not be divorced from developments in IR systems and vice versa .
7 That any future development of the sites would not be subject to normal planning controls cause detriment to the conservation area , local listed buildings , or the archaeology and natural history of the sites .
8 How can you be sure that any future development of these sites would not have a deleterious effect on the conservation area , the listed buildings , the archaeology and the natural history ?
9 They 'll of course attempt to claim that any future cuts in schools ' budgets are down to lack of government funding .
10 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
11 Judicial ideas are no more immutable than any others and it may be that the above account is too pessimistic , but it seems likely that any future extension of strict liability will come only from the legislature .
12 Initially , we postulated that any protective effect of ursodeoxycholic acid against gall stone recurrence would be mediated through changes in biliary cholesterol saturation .
13 Nevertheless , the veto was widely denounced as politically partisan , on the basis that any overall increase in registration was thought likely to favour the Democratic Party .
14 But they 'd asked me for an epitaph not an editorial and , in any case , I 'd already got the clear impression that most of these unaccustomed mourners could recognise a tolling bell when they heard it , but that like so many of the other warnings that had been laid on them over the years by teachers , social workers and magistrates , they had simply decided that any other way of life was simply too dull , too straight , even to be contemplated .
15 I had been left in no doubt that any other way of handling John 's case might endanger his life .
16 Do you think that any other sites on the periphery of Skelton would allow for the requirement , however distant it may be , that you foresee , as well as or better than D thirty nine and D forty ?
17 As noted above , regulatory barriers do not constrain new entry to the market , and rapid entry suggests that any other constraints to establishment in the market are weak .
18 Far from hailing Lineker as England 's saviour , Taylor was dismissive , suggesting that any other striker worth his salt would have done what Lineker did .
19 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
20 With the exception of epileptics ( see p.5 ) — even those whose condition is being kept well under control by prescribed drugs — there is no way that any other form of medical treatment or medication can affect your ability to be a good hypnotic subject .
21 Er er what the honourable gentleman , my honourable friend reads out is certainly my view er we will erm of course engage in any discussions on this subject that come up i in the council of ministers but it would take quite a lot of convincing I think to myself and my colleagues , that any other form of election would be an improvement on first past the post , erm and er the ar , no I wo n't give way cos I have about four minutes left and er I do want to make a couple of other points .
22 The local historian should beware of placing too much credence on year-dates given in older volumes of Anglo-Saxon history , for these can be in error by twelve months ; but it is unlikely that any modern scholar of repute has been led astray .
23 But the conviction too often remains that any extra money in the government pot will somehow find its way into the pockets of the country 's leaders .
24 Does my hon. Friend agree that any extra tax on the self-employed without benefits in return would damage the country 's chances of growth , and would help it in no way whatsoever ?
25 It is this variation that any evolutionary theory of ageing must explain .
26 However , if the expatriate rents a furnished property and wishes to ship over certain items of furniture , such as a favourite dining table , arrangements may generally be made with the landlord so that any unwanted items of furniture are stored during the expatriate 's residence .
27 public support for the idea that any actual use of nuclear weapons would violate the international law of war and would constitute a crime against humanity , ;
28 It was not until the second half of the eighteenth century that any systematic excavation of an early Anglo-Saxon site , a cemetery , took place .
29 Even so , we would expect that any systematic difference between the two insulins which was causally associated with loss of awareness of hypoglycaemia would have been detected in our study design .
30 Mr Harris also said ‘ with absolute certainty ’ that any adverse findings by the JDS would have been overturned by the courts .
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