Example sentences of "that give [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the meditative life , we exchange the worldly things that give us delight for the full commitment of loving God above all .
2 We have begun to measure these trees , noting characteristics that give us clues to their genetic relationships : these trees , growing under plantation conditions , will eventually tell us whether we really have collected new genes useful to farmers who grow cocoa .
3 This area is the Coulin Forest , bounded by roads that give it detachment from other high ground , its mountains forming a compact group but individually having distinction of character and outline , some being of arresting appearance .
4 Some of the smokers were aware of his campaign against passive smoking — the kind that gave him cancer in smoke-tarred clubs .
5 This is the daddy of all geysirs , the one that gave its name to the ( now better-known ) hot-water spouts elsewhere in the world .
6 It 's something that gives his performance in Glory a genuinely affecting complexity , something which suggests he may develop into an actor with some depth .
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