Example sentences of "that when [pron] [vb base] at " in BNC.

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1 This is that when we look at the evolution of cultural traits and at their survival value , we must be clear whose survival we are talking about .
2 We can at will like Democritus develop this faculty of laughter , so that when we look at our fellowmen we can smile and even in the labyrinth of our own thoughts we can resort to humour and thus our lives can be less drab .
3 We must consider that when we look at an alternative structure for the present arrangements for meat hygiene inspection .
4 Er and it may well be as Mr has suggested that when we look at it it is not a problem .
5 I think that when we look at , I mean there 's no doubt that we have got significant and welcome , and let's not be , welcome improvements of service for this year .
6 Almost , but erm one could certainly arrive at a situation of the sort you 're imagining that we want to be sure that when we look at some very exotic phenomena in the past of the universe , which has no parallel on earth , erm or in our vicinity , how can we be sure that the laws of physics that we 've deduced on earth really apply ?
7 I told him he 'd better tell his friends , or his girlfriends , that when they call at our house if they do n't give names , they 're not talking to him !
8 While your brain is doing that it will be storing the words so that when you look at your sheet of nouns you will recall what was said for some while after it was actually said .
9 because I think that when you look at year eleven we 're at a disadvantage
10 It is my view that when you look at all the locational criteria contained in policy H two and as we 've discussed them , you 'll reach the conclusion that there is one corridor that best meets those criterion , is the A sixty four northeast of York , sector six .
11 Is the point that you 're making is that , that when you look at the evidence later on it sort of conflicts with that ?
12 Um it 's interesting that when you look at people who have abused children they often will say things not only about the willingness of their victims , in inverted commas , but also about the fact oh she never said no , erm as the title of this magazine article I 've got here is .
13 Certainly , the idea that when I look at my spectacles and think ‘ So that 's where I put them ’ I am having thousands of other little thoughts at the same time is a silly idea , and some would say that the doctrine of the holism of the mental is just a silly idea .
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