Example sentences of "that make it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 It was this that made it possible for the whole of the cuckoo 's breeding cycle to be filmed , resulting in an early classic of wildlife photography , The Cuckoo 's Secret .
2 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
3 Perhaps it was this , the fact that she now had someone else to love her , that made it possible for me to make a proper apology , to stutter out confusedly , red-faced , that I was sorry about what had happened .
4 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
5 ‘ It was basically the novel that made it necessary for me to look into the Bible .
6 The Treatises supported such arguments , and it was his having , and being suspected by the government of having , such seditious views that made it necessary for Locke to flee to Holland in 1683 .
7 We knew what lay down any other road : a political scandal that made it worthwhile for Parliament to get involved in Security .
8 In the past I 'd behaved in a way that made it impossible for women to stay with me — for instance , I 'd cut off emotionally , or refuse to have sex , or start seeing other women .
9 She always insisted on doing it herself and that made it easy for you .
10 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
11 One of the features of the cerebral hemispheres is that they have more extensive interconnections from one part to other parts than is usual in sensory centres , and perhaps this was the feature , inherited from its origin as the smell-brain , that made it useful for other modalities as well ; global pattern recognition requires taking into account large chunks of sensory information , not just localised patches .
12 When he thought one might be possible , he was immensely sentimental , would give up everything for a lover ; yet it was his own exigence that made it difficult for anyone to live up to him , to match his quick apprehension , his wide range of interests , the fervour with which he experienced everything .
13 But from his impassive , narrow-eyed face it was impossible to gauge his thoughts ; like many Annamese he had the kind of boyish appearance that made it difficult for an American to estimate his age .
14 These can be forms of avoidance that make it impossible for the couple to look at their marital problems .
15 Harvard Graphics Windows is one of the latest generation of presentation packages that make it easy for anybody to produce a stylish and professional looking presentation suitable for any type of audience .
16 My love , no longer inhibited by his existence , presented itself with all the understanding required to bring us together again — the gentleness , the words , the small gestures that make it possible for one person to reveal himself to another and two people to share life .
17 When it comes to technical charts it has a combination of graph types and options that make it suitable for analysing scientific as well as business or financial data .
18 Rue is an example of a common , well-known garden herb , with a long history of use , yet with properties that make it unsuitable for general use by the layman .
19 Any er particularly bad points that make it difficult for you ?
20 what Chodorow retains of the psychical that makes it impossible for her to consider social relations in any but the most simplistic way .
21 Ideal for a spot of salad or soup , Chanticleer china has the kind of country charm and simplicity that makes it good for everyday use .
22 What we 've helped to provide is the backdrop that makes it possible for today 's girls to grow into young women , and into women , confident in their lesbianism .
23 For this reason they are often seen to be weak ; yet it is this very willingness of the subordinates to shift their own goals in order to preserve the harmony of the team that makes it possible for the group at the top of the hierarchy to perform at all .
24 This suggests that there is nothing inherent in Broca 's area by itself that makes it crucial for speech .
25 Several years ago , we worked through the New York State Sculpture Bill that makes it necessary for dealers and foundries selling multiples of sculptures to provide complete information on these objects , and warranties that the information is correct .
26 It 's a good , powerful , all-round guitar with sound hardware and pokey pickups , and a very high-quality neck with lovely big frets that makes it ideal for most forms of overdriven excess .
27 different type of horse that makes it different for shodding
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