Example sentences of "that if [pers pn] do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 For generations prior to this calamity the custodians and promoters of Yahweh — that is , the now canonized Prophets of Israel — had been warning the people that if they did not abandon their syncretistic ways , the wrath of the one true God would descend upon them .
2 At least they did so until the local priest warned them that if they did not stop , he 'd say a prayer that would make the dead rise from their graves and walk the length and breadth of the islands .
3 The force with which the judges made their case for Second Empire can be explained by assuming that they felt that if they did not strongly press for this form of building , another , and less welcome style in their eyes , would be adopted .
4 Some older workers feared that if they did not accept ‘ voluntary ’ redundancy they would not receive any redundancy pay .
5 He remarked that if they did not exist he and many others in his position would have to invent them !
6 He told the assembly 's members that if they did not vote down the existing chief minister , a supporter of Mr Sharif 's , and put him in the post instead , the president would dissolve the assembly and they would all lose their jobs .
7 However they were threatened that if they did not the Abbey would be burnt down .
8 Some Yakuts split a dog in half and walked between the pieces with a lump of earth in their mouths , saying that if they did not observe the vow they would be split in two and buried in the earth .
9 The speaker paused in his speech and warned that if they did not stop they would be removed .
10 It said that the Government had no policy for industry and no policy for the country , and that if they did not take a new direction there would be no British-owned manufacturing industry left in this country — now answer !
11 And stated that if they did not do so , we would an injunction to stop the proposals going through .
12 Hurd went some way to placate this view by assuring MPs that if they did not wish to incorporate the treaty into British law , by voting down the whole bill , then the treaty would not be ratified .
13 The company 's response was to issue notice to the original 40 that if they did n't return to work they 'd all be sacked .
14 Lee gave him a shove , there was some pushing and tripping up , Kevin fell over into Dean 's lap and a woman at the other end of the car shouted that if they did n't behave themselves she 'd find someone at Goldhawk Road who would make them .
15 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
16 And she resisted finding out , in the way that other girls she had known kept themselves in deliberate ignorance of such things as impregnation , in the unarticulated hope that if they did n't know what it was it could n't happen to them .
17 One risk was that if they did n't act there was a gunman on the loose , desperate , he 's after all escaped from prison , possibly in a confined space in a block of flats with a vantage point .
18 That corrosive fear has now spread through industries and professions who once felt that if they did n't have the fabled ‘ job for life ’ , they could at least be assured of adequate warning of impending unemployment , reasonable compensation , a decent level of benefit linked to their final salary , and a realistic chance of a fresh start with another company .
19 And they were just worried that if they did n't join in , they were n't part of the club then er
20 This was only part of a general sort of pattern as it were , where people were beginning to impinge on their lives , there was another well-known local alcoholic there who was knocking on doors trying to get money off people , and there 's several elderly people who gave this woman money , because they were frightened that if they did n't something would happen to them .
21 I even tell them that if they do not feel 100 per cent , they should not come to work . ’
22 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
23 I , David on your guard force and the thirty four members yes , you , you rightly mentioned the correspondence with your at this moment in time I have had no reply I have sent another letter which you have not received as yet to , indicating that if they do not return those members then we will proceed to Bridlington .
24 It is not enough for researchers to assume that if they do not make conscious decisions , try to be scrupulously fair when selecting their samples , that randomness will be assured .
25 We can always warn trouble-makers that if they do n't stop it the RAF will deal with them ( c ) Cruisers are not needed and should be scrapped ( d ) Aircraft Carriers and naval Aircraft are unnecessary .
26 ‘ I 've tried to impress on people - I go round the schools and catch them young — that if they do n't leave us their stuff , uncaring descendants may simply throw out a tool , plate , picture or letter , preferring to have a stainless-steel fork , a plastic plate , a multiple … ’
27 Part of the drive to improve inner cities is deliberately to reward success , increase the gap between the working and the non-working , retain business and talented and successful people in these areas , and charge those who use services the economic cost of these services , so that if they do n't like the price they will be encouraged to move out to areas where ‘ the price is right ’ .
28 Many parents feel , too , that if they do n't intervene , hurt and/or an injustice will be done to the younger and/or weaker child .
29 On the other hand , this point of view has to be balanced against those who protest that they only ever see politicians at election time and that if they do n't even call then they are undeserving of a vote .
30 GEORGE GRAHAM last night assured the Football Association that if they do n't deal with Ian Wright , Arsenal will .
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