Example sentences of "that they were [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 He exposed cells in culture to influenza virus , showed that they were resistant to infection with certain other viruses , and isolated from his cultures a protein which conferred the same resistance on fresh cells .
2 Firstly , there was some feeling that the report had tried to deal simultaneously with too many different groups of teachers and , in doing so , it had failed to get to grips with the needs of adult tutors ; by assuming that they were similar to those of part-time teachers it had failed to recognize the large managerial element in their work .
3 The make-believe pomp and affected circumstance of the people for whom they 'd been built , the doctors and lawyers and merchants and administrators of Empire who all , in one way or another , made their money out of trade but built houses like miniature castles , or palaces , to reassure themselves that they were closer to the Barons than lo the Peasants , and safe from both .
4 In the first place it could be argued that a democratic government would not impose unreasonably on minorities ; this exposed the party to Liberal charges that they were indifferent to the Irish Nationalists , but it also exposed the weakness of the government 's position , as Law explained to the Commons in January 1913 :
5 As to the recent faults the committee concluded that they were due to careless handling of the cable during laying , to poor design and to bad practices in overall manufacture .
6 Deficiencies at ages 5–24 were noted in new towns and the possibility was considered that they were due to immunising effects of a milder epidemic of the underlying infection .
7 It should be noted , however , that an alternative hypothesis has been suggested for the formation of the Straits of Dover by Stamp ( 1927 ) , who thought that they were due to the southwards overflow of a proglacial lake ponded up in the southern North Sea by an ice front stretching from England to Holland .
8 Although hon. Members representing Ulster voiced different shades of opinion , they reached a common conclusion with the Liberal Democrat and Labour hon. Members in the Committee that they were opposed to the order .
9 " The Council for the Protection of Rural England stated that they were opposed to " further damage of Britain 's vanishing natural uplands " .
10 And the message came over loud and clear , from more than 100 people , that they were opposed to the development .
11 Under cover of the rugby-players , who surrounded them so that they were invisible to the sentries , two officers managed to bury themselves underground , where they remained until darkness : they then came to the surface and made their escape .
12 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
13 Proposals by Dr Robert Rentoul for the compulsory sterilization of the unfit had already been given short shrift by the BMA in 1904 , on the grounds that they were contrary to medical ethics .
14 Einhard 's criticism that the late Merovingians travelled around in ox-carts ignored the fact that in so doing they were copying late Roman provincial governors , who used this means of transport to ensure that they were accessible to petitioners .
15 Whereas rates were indirectly related to income , or at least past income ( in that they were proportional to the value of the home in which people lived ) , the poll tax will take no account of the financial circumstances on whom the tax is levied .
16 It was decreed that they were all to be suspended from their duties : commissioners were to hear complaints against them , and those found guilty were to be permanently removed from office .
17 I could only attribute my captors ' sudden change of attitude to the fact that they were pleased to be getting rid of me .
18 Because the doubters were bound , by the fact that they were subject to the authority of Parliament , to follow Parliament 's judgment as to what their duties were , its Act is not merely dependent on those duties but also pre-empts them .
19 It is instead to consider the significance for trusts that they were subject to a legal system of procedure other than the classical formulary ordo .
20 For their part , interest groups assumed a rather more modest role in that they were content to " articulate " a single interest and policy .
21 However , these readers were students of English , which means that they were used to reading texts for tutorials that they might not have chosen to read on their own .
22 Whether or not the Palace actually arranged for the drawing to be removed , there can be little doubt that they were delighted to be rid of it . …
23 His primary objection to the lists was that they were patronising to teachers .
24 It seemed , after all , that they were indispensable to each other ; or , if that was putting it too strongly , they fulfilled a mutual need .
25 However , as a milking animal it always had a problem which is still apparent today in some animals : the udders were frequently so pendulous that they were prone to injury and made suckling awkward ( baby beef calves were bucket-reared ) , and later were a problem for machine milking .
26 They could not produce a new conversation in the milliseconds that they were accustomed to .
27 Purists had of course drawn on medical and evolutionary concepts , but always with the proviso that they were subordinate to the dictates of a higher morality .
28 But that was not to say that people had a right to it , that they were entitled to it .
29 The plaintiffs then argued that they were entitled to equal treatment by the law ; it was unjust that they should be compelled to use the Convention , the translation requirements of which they found insurmountably expensive , whilst the foreign defendant was under no such burden .
30 Indeed , he thought that they were entitled to encouragement and to some increased advantage ( a hint for a reduction in Royalties , doubtless ) and under that impression he solicited a new lease .
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