Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but did n't fully implement it .
2 He took particular care of young players , seeing that they were well-fed and well-lodged and that they sent some money home to their parents each week .
3 Although , as Beaumanoir stated at this time , the magnates were ‘ sovereigns within their baronies ’ , they were supposed to execute the crown 's ordinances — which often meant that they anticipated royal legislation by legislating in their own name for their own domains .
4 The things she said were always in disagreement , with the teacher or another member of the class , and cost her so much , in terms of physical anguish , that they carried great conviction .
5 By 1180 , more than half the bishops of France were again royal fideles , with the consequence that they sought royal justice against their local oppressors .
6 John always said that they spent more money restoring the facade than they ever spent on the thousands of workers who worked inside the plant , but then when it closed they could n't knock it down , so they turned it into a superstore .
7 On the day I fished the Tarn , however , a long summer heatwave and a freak wind had brought algae up from the lake bottom so that they hung ill suspension , turning the lake the colour of pea soup .
8 They were both selfish individuals and she was now thinking that they deserved each other .
9 Mr Christopher wants Israel to expedite appeals from Palestinians deported last December on suspicion that they incited anti-Israeli violence .
10 The World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , meeting in Washington on April 26-28 , approved massive financial backing for the former Soviet republics on the condition that they took rigorous action to privatize and stabilize their economies .
11 There is no evidence to suggest that they made substantial wartime gains in terms of occupational pension entitlements .
12 In the spirit of affability , may I congratulate the Government on one of the changes that they made some time ago , in which they followed fairly accurately the views expressed in early-day motion 488 , which noted that when ’ the Social Fund cold weather payments scheme trigger mechanism was put to a serious test it collapsed three times under the weight of its own absurdity the scheme is inadequate , inefficiently targeted and wasteful as the cost of advertising and administration are unjustifiably high ; and urges a new saving limit of £3,000 that would create a fully automatic scheme ’ .
13 c ) Life-style : respondents in the single girl upper socioeconomic categories indicated that they achieved facial cleanliness with lotions and cotton wool because it is the only natural thing to use .
14 By the 1870s several public schools had their own cadet or rifle corps , though within the schools it was not until the Boer War that they achieved real popularity .
15 The plaintiffs say that they accepted this loan on behalf of C.M.C. on the advice of the third defendant .
16 It was there that they went each summer , in Shiva 's holidays , their fares paid by Sabine Schnitzler who , having reverted to her maiden name and largely to her native tongue , sometimes wore a surprised , even bewildered , look at being surrounded , as she put it , by ‘ all those Indians ’ .
17 Cos someone said that they went last year , George said they went last year brilliant .
18 The clerk expressed the view that they contained inadmissible material because of the hearsay rule and he took the view that the evidence was inadmissible despite the relevant provisions of the Children Act 1989 designed to overcome that difficulty .
19 Simpson could see that they knew each other much better than he 'd presumed .
20 I I I I 'm until you spoke to the collators department , they told you simply that they knew each other .
21 The Air Ministry firmly believed that fundamentally it was a question of pure navigation , and furthermore they were convinced that they knew one man who could lead such a formation to meet the planned Bomber Force envisaged by the Chiefs of Staff — but he was not even in the RAF , He was a professional Imperial Airways pilot with an international reputation — a host of " firsts " in world aviation events and , even more importantly , he was an outstanding navigator .
22 Users also stated that they lied this type of audio-visual material for library instruction .
23 It was characteristic of many teaching methods used with children experiencing learning difficulties during the 1970s and 1980s that they entailed more control by the teacher over children 's learning than was typical in mainstream classrooms ( Wood and Shears 1986 ) .
24 This dual safeguard , which was designed not merely to maintain the real value of benefits , but also to guarantee that they paralleled any increase in the real incomes of the working population , was removed in 1980 .
25 So insistent were the Data Protection Committee that the public sector constituted the greater threat that they recommended wholesale registration of all public sector users but only piecemeal or phased registration of private sector users .
26 We should be trying to enhance cooperative arrangements of referral and support between health and social work departments and private homes , and Mike O'Reilly did n't actually say that they had that problem but he said that their clients had been referred by GPs or by the psychogeriatric service .
27 He believed that they had greater capacity to do so than previous generations and hence would be less in need of support from the state when they reached old-age — there was therefore no need to establish complex insurance machinery .
28 Some of the professionals believed that they had greater patience than their able-bodied colleagues , and often pointed out that their patients and clients had greater confidence in them and were more likely to take their advice .
29 He too was a star and it was pleasant to be able to mention that they had drunk schnapps with him at Direktor Busacher 's house .
30 If the security services were so concerned about this then it clearly suggests that they had good reason to believe that Blake had not been forgotten by the Russians .
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