Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 At first he thought he 'd been burgled , but he was astonished to find when he called the police that they 'd done it .
2 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
3 A few people sat on the floor ( no chairs in the drama studio ) and jumped straight to their feet again as an outbreak of jeering laughter told them that they 'd got it wrong .
4 They may not have a reason to prefer one way of going about things to another , but the fact that they chose to do it in a particular way gives them a reason to prefer that way from now on .
5 But we do think that the fact that they chose to launch it on the last day of our Conference is quite a compliment ; it was after all the Green Party that forced the government to produce the White Paper as a result of our fifteen% in the European Elections last year .
6 Some of the rebel leaders , notably Litster , may have appreciated their military weakness , because they attempted to involve members of the gentry in the revolt , and although they had little support of this nature , the very fact that they hoped to obtain it must argue against an interpretation of the revolt simply in class terms .
7 More than that , he felt insulted that they had hidden it from him .
8 The problem with the building was that they had made it suicide-proof , so there were no windows you could open on the front .
9 Although many of them had starved in the past and were therefore well equipped to recognize starvation now that they had met it again .
10 How could it have come about , he marvelled afresh , that they had parcelled it out and tied it up with strings of law ?
11 However , there were many instances cited where GPs felt that they could not ‘ help ’ users even when this was the first time that they had sought it .
12 In a sense they were victims of a paradox ; they had chosen their middle way in order to retain their identity ; yet it was to be this very middle way which convinced others that they had relinquished it .
13 It was over , and some were complaining that they had missed it .
14 She implied that they had heard it in the shop and Tony said reassuringly , ‘ Do n't worry about it .
15 The police said that they had n't realized that they had to keep it .
16 Hysterectomy ca n't be too bad : 96% of a group of Australian women who have had the operation say they are pleased to have had it , while 55% say they wish that they had had it sooner !
17 Indeed , Hamilton suggested crisply that they had got it wrong and left it at that .
18 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
19 But in the 1950s the first wave of modern consumerism transformed people 's lifestyles so that they came to expect it to be right and natural that they should have consumer durables ( and increasingly non-durable goods ) .
20 Rumours have been circulating that they wanted to hold it to tie in with Aliens 3 , although with that still way off in the future , it 's more likely that a full-scale theatrical release of The Special Edition is planned for the distant future .
21 But government spokesmen said that they wanted to see it eventually set so as to maintain the level of existing capacity at the end of the century .
22 At their last meeting a line had been reached , and despite the urgings of his senses at the time , he was not sure that they wanted to cross it .
23 Er but nobody could tell me for certain what it was that they intended to use it for , er but it was apparently not guaranteed that it would continue to be used er as a market hall .
24 Not me , no the drivers and conductors and inspectors , they had a uniform and it was seen that they did wear it .
25 And and you could get a feel for the fact that they did do it .
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