Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 Except that they had n't known how bad .
2 Eileen 's death had made the lot of them aware of depths in themselves and in each other that they had not known of before .
3 But other members said that they had not known of plans to attack Mr Reagan .
4 One week after our chat Jeff hit Ilona with divorce proceedings and everyone in the art world crowed that they had always known it would n't last .
5 While Wasps could relax and enjoy their Goldington Road romp , Bedford learned nothing that they did not know already .
6 And Gaily took her quick reply for unwillingness , too , and decided that they did not know one another well enough yet to ask such questions , such casual , family questions , as between friends .
7 ( Both subsequently maintained , too , that they did not know . )
8 Similarly , the Prevention of Terrorism Act requires bankers to prove that they did not know that a client 's funds were serving terrorism .
9 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
10 In addition , four- and five-year-olds often said explicitly that they did not know less , or even asked what it meant .
11 In fact , there is no further mention of the chapel in the Minute Books of their Meetings for nearly three centuries , and much later they were to claim that they did not know about it until it was brought to their attention for the first time in 1846 .
12 I went to the bar racks , the caserna , in Fontanellato to find out when my father was going to be released , but was told that they did not know , for he was in the hands of the Secret Police .
13 I am happy to accept that they did not know that the payment that they stood entitled to receive was limited by the list size criterion .
14 The Government can not say , as an excuse , that they did not know what was going on and how it could escalate .
15 The Lebanese delegation at the Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see p. 39119 ] informed their Israeli counterparts on Sept. 22 that Israeli airman Ron Arad was definitely alive , but that they did not know where he was being held .
16 The officer had not seen the girl 's boyfriend and was told that they did not know where he was .
17 Chief Insp John McLean , deputy sub division officer at Saracen police office , said : ‘ Nobody will have the excuse after 1 March that they did not know the campaign was under way . ’
18 Too many of us now say that they did n't know what was going on , and that they were long opposed to what was happening .
19 We teachers need actually to say to the children that they are going to enjoy the work that day , that it will be interesting , and that they are going to know or be able to do things at the end of the day that they did n't know or were n't able to do before .
20 The unlimited liability aspect of Lloyd 's is impressed upon every name , so for a name to say after the event that they did n't know about it is a load of cobblers . ’
21 They looked me over , said that they did n't know what it was and sent me home .
22 I got the impression that they did n't know each other all that well , that the marriage was fairly recent . ’
23 It seemed so odd to think that they did n't know .
24 It was not that they did n't know about the brain .
25 But they also explained that they did n't know about the future .
26 ‘ The thing that surprised me most was that they did n't know how to make a quality tube at AISA and we showed them . ’
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