Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
2 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
3 I knew that they had not given you enough time to recover from the pneumonia .
4 Umpires David Shepherd and John Holder chivvied them several times , but although the players might deny it suited them tactically to keep as many of their batting overs in hand for the next day when better weather was promised , it is difficult to dismiss the thought that the level of fines was so derisory that they did not give it a thought .
5 Trade unions began , if slowly and unadventurously , to assert that they did n't give a hoot : their members were not going to run risks they did n't like .
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