Example sentences of "that they [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the indicators chosen are suspect , as Macnicol has shown for earlier periods , in that they simply count contact with state agencies , and it is a commonplace observation that the poor are more likely to be in contact with social workers because they are poor ( Becker , 1988 ) ; young drug-takers in inner cities are more visible than wealthy socialites but drug-taking and drinking stretch across social groups ( O'Bryan , 1989 ; Plant , 1989 ) ; desertion of women by husbands and the choice to remain unmarried are not restricted to the poor ; and so on and so on .
2 There are pockets within pockets ad infinitum — a Russian doll of a bag — so compartmentalised do tourists ' possessions become that they completely lose track of where everything is .
3 We have advised environmental health officers that they already have power under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 temporarily to remove equipment such as audio equipment to ensure that a noise abatement notice is complied with .
4 1 noticed that they frequently lost interest during bulletins when political activities and speeches were reported or some official announcement was made .
5 Credit granters told us that they rarely checked information about employment because they found that many people regarded this as an invasion of privacy .
6 It is to the credit of such workers that they rarely feel animosity towards a member of the Royal Family who puts on a designer frock , gets into a chauffeur-driven car , spends a couple of hours meeting the afflicted and , as a result , has her picture on the front page of most national newspapers with the word caring prefacing every mention of her name .
7 In the mid fifteenth century Sir John Fortescue claimed that the English were richer than the French , that they normally drank ale instead of water and ate all kinds of flesh and fish in abundance ( 10 , pp.86–7 ) .
8 Under the policy , companies that want to import computers to India have to show that they also have export orders for software .
9 They say it 's too soon considering that they just started work with Bull on them , as we ourselves noted .
10 DNs demonstrated an awareness of the need for compression bandaging by reporting that they regularly applied compression to 198 ( 73 per cent ) of affected limbs and ‘ sometimes ’ to a further 12 ( 4 per cent ) .
11 In this , the role of delaying syntax is to postpone the interpretation of one structure until another has been taken in , so that they ultimately make sense as a whole rather than in sequence .
12 Some 400 million years ago , they found ways of surviving out of water and made such a success of life in their new surroundings that they ultimately gave rise to the most numerous and diverse group of all land animals , the insects .
13 So when Fleischmann and Pons announced test-tube fusion as a source of energy — which was the ‘ angle ’ that the media took up and portrayed it as a clean source — the news that they apparently saw tritium as a fusion product was lost on most media , but it made many scientists concerned and others excited .
14 I , for one , certainly would not wish to put people under so much pressure that they never have time to read a non-work book or attend a concert , or pursue a hobby , or do worthwhile work in the environment or the community .
15 Apart from the problems associated with complete deforestation , extensive areas of primary forest have been degraded so that they are no longer as productive in terms of biomass , and sufficiently fragile that they too face extinction in the coming decades .
16 We want them to volunteer to pay compensation to the offen Er to the victim , because that way we know that they genuinely have concern over what they 've done and they 've faced up their responsibilities .
17 Still a few sea bass here , though they 're so delicious that they hardly have time to freeze .
18 One client may quite sincerely come in just for a form but another client who comes in ‘ just for a form ’ may indicate that they really need help filling it in .
19 I just want to read three anecdotes which , and I mean I 've given you sort of odd statistics and the advantage of anecdotes is that they actually put flesh on the bones I think , and they really give you a sense of what it meant to be er a peasant in China in the nineteen thirties .
20 Controversy has always surrounded the Minoans ' bull-leaping exploits , and there are many who are sceptical that they ever took place .
21 Sam Wanamaker enthuses that they now have permission to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage .
22 However , parents have one big advantage and that is that they now have access to the GCSE and A-level exam results of all pupils — that is the biggest giveaway !
23 Many Americans regret the fact that they now discuss sport with the passion that 200 years ago they brought to everyday debates on theories of representative government ( and , as historians of the revolution have made plain , there really were such debates ) .
24 It is therefore not surprising that he should here stress the psychological aspects of pain and its control rather than the nuts and bolts of nociceptors , unmyelinated afferents , spinothalamic tracts and those splendid phrases designed to send medical students back to sleep in the belief that they now understand pain mechanisms .
25 This time round they were told they would not be able to enter the National Federation of Meat Traders bi-annual sausage competition at Harrogate as one of the sponsors , the Meat and Livestock Commission , held that they only provided sponsorship for mainland competitors .
26 These indices have an international reputation and require constant supervision and maintenance to ensure that they satisfactorily reflect market developments .
27 But what is evident is that they often sought affection from the only source which under the circumstances was available — other boys .
28 Mr Allen Abramson , a London University anthropologist who has studied initiation rituals , said that most societies used them to mark important developments in a person 's life , and that they often involved pain or privation .
29 I think that they maybe want trouble with me . ’
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