Example sentences of "that they be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think they 're often afraid that they 're the only ones feeling that way .
2 ‘ I do n't know what it will do to her when she hears that they 're the wrong bodies . ’
3 Solicitors are increasingly becoming the dominant branch of the profession despite the historical recognition that they are the junior part of the legal profession .
4 The report of the ( then ) Social Science Research Council 's exploratory Panel on Addiction in 1982 argued that addiction problems are not trivial , that they are the legitimate concern of the social sciences and that a multi-disciplinary approach may reasonably be expected to produce insights , information and analyses which will enable addiction problems to be dealt with more effectively .
5 Given the conviction of Khmer Rouge members that they are the only people who can save Cambodia , few observers believe their commitment to multi-partyism would last for long .
6 Parents who questioned what appears to be an unwritten regulation have been told in each case that they are the only ones not co-operating …
7 Admittedly , most of those who attend such demonstrations are , as the government has said , self-righteous prigs who mistakenly believe that they are the only ones interested in peace .
8 They are convinced that they are the only ones who suffer , and refuse to see the impact they have on others .
9 They recognise that they are the only unmarked players on the field and , as such , the key attackers .
10 Examples of the latter include the installation of an electric blanket at Murrayfield , which has meant that they are the only home union not to have had a Five Nations match postponed within the last 30 years , whilst they always have a venue for important representative matches available there if the weather tries to sabotage the programme .
11 The disparity between private truth and public convention leaves them feeling that they are the only person having trouble .
12 It would be a mistake for the ANC or the government to think that they are the only parties in the negotiating process . "
13 In this they agree with the advocates of the TNCs who continually proclaim that they are the only reliable vehicles for development though , of course , there is a serious disagreement about the nature and likely outcome of the process .
14 They may argue that they are the only viable purchaser of what may be an ailing business of no interest to third parties .
15 We are now being told by this arrogant and incompetent lot that having given us record unemployment , bankruptcies , house repossession , liquidations , factory closures etc , that they are the only ones fit to govern when surely that record should make them hang their heads in shame .
16 The reason that they are diurnal , rather than nocturnal , hunters , is that they are the main predator .
17 The Serbs have done most of the killing , and the rejection of the Vance-Owen plan by the self-proclaimed Serb parliament in Bosnia , to be followed by a referendum on May 15th , confirms the judgment that they are the main aggressors .
18 Only the bands sit like kings on the available sofas , confident that they are the main reason for the party .
19 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to purchase extremely attractive and reasonably priced extremely attractive and reasonably priced items only to find , when they take them home , that they are the wrong size , or that the colour and design clash with their decorative scheme .
20 It gradually becomes apparent to every adolescent male that the only thing most penises have in common is that they are the wrong shape or size as far as their owners are concerned .
21 They tell themselves they are just ‘ unlucky ’ , without realising that they are the creative source of their bad luck .
22 Convinced that they are the ideal match , these lovers who are often the offspring of divorced parents not wanting to repeat their mistakes conspire not to let anything spoil the relationship .
23 One view has it that they are the trusted preservers of law and order , men and women who do a difficult job very well and who deserve to be respected and admired throughout the communities which they protect .
24 The most important of these characteristics were that they were the administrative centres of royal estates , or more rarely great ecclesiastical estates .
25 But it is the people of Bishop Auckland who can rightly feel proud that they were the prime movers .
26 It took as long again for their theories to be discredited , despite the fact that almost none of their Hollywood idols would agree that they were the sole auteur of the films they made ; while the greatest weakness of their belief was that the most flawed work by one of their preferred film-makers was of more interest than a major piece by one of those they did not rate .
27 The judge then gave a brief and accurate summary of the factual contest , adverted again to the burden of proof and reminded the jury that they were the sole judges of the facts .
28 He tells also of a lady at a dance whose partner thought she had dropped her pearls only to find , much to his consternation and her confusion , that they were the ubiquitous globules of mercury .
29 Although the three powers we have just outlined were the principal measures available to the police to prevent or to control public assemblies , it would be a mistake to think that they were the only ones .
30 With a shock it was brought home to Annie Oaks that they were the only family Lydia and Tobias had ever known , coming to Aumery Park Farm from the Union House as they had done at the ages of ten and twelve .
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