Example sentences of "that they [adv] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 On scheduled passages , of course , you ca n't always do this , but Mr. Andrew and his father before him knew the trade so well that they generally managed it .
2 Some scholars have assumed that the Minoans worshipped a Great Goddess , the Mediterranean ‘ Magna Mater ’ , and that they later divided her up into a series of more specialized divinities .
3 The second , does anyone want to say any about that ? it 's just that they probably sent it to the appropriate people .
4 Ludo said that they just left him there .
5 ‘ When they started stripping the Duchess of Hamilton they started to find so many things that they virtually wished they had never started !
6 Arthur spoke entirely without irony , although he was clearly aware that it was so friendly to some , so open-armed , that they never left it .
7 A friend had told her that they never took them off , but she had thought that he was pulling her leg .
8 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
9 Not for a moment would I suggest that they deliberately passed it knowing it might embarrass him .
10 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
11 We know that , in general , the literati became the bureaucratic agents of the established political order and that they always took it for granted that hierarchy is part of the natural order of things .
12 Not that they really needed it , as the chance of Triple Crown against England in a fortnight 's time duly materialised .
13 Sometimes too he would take duck and geese as they floated on some high lochan , coming on them so low along the ground that they only saw him when the massive darkness of his wings came over the peat edge and shadowed out their life .
14 The weekend before that they only allowed me out one day overnight
15 Eye surgeons had learned to cut the ligament with complete success , but it was so different a procedure from the rest of the operation and so incompatible with it that they often dreaded it .
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