Example sentences of "that you will [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Right , so that you 'll do a clean run through .
2 If you do n't tell them that you 'll want a deposit cheque of thirty five percent of the first year 's payment depending on what you charge them
3 ‘ There 's always the danger that you 'll lose a number and the pressure comes back on .
4 Doubt that you 'll find a loophole easily . ’
5 That one will be joined to a quaver beat , so that you 'll have a group of three .
6 What will happen in fact is that you 'll have a start date for your system , which was basically when N1 was , and what they will be looking for is that everything from that date forward is complying right so that a job that started before then , they wo n't look for the initial part of that job to comply right as of that date onwards they will look for it to comply .
7 I 'm absolutely convinced it can , and particularly now that you 'll have a government in East Germany which will be , on all the important questions , in total accord with the government in West Germany .
8 Because your school will have a lot of contacts in industry , it is likely that you will meet a lot of adults from working places in different situations who will help to make your learning more interesting .
9 In so doing , he has enabled me to tell you of the matter — in the fervent hope that you will discover a means of informing the queen my mother of our case . ’
10 If you can show genuine enthusiasm for the company the interviewer will be reassured that you will stay a reasonable time with the firm and not be constantly on the lookout for something better .
11 We all know that there is some disturbance outside — you have already said that you will make a statement on that — but it is unusual for the doors not to be locked by this stage in a Division .
12 It would be as sensible to take one run round the football field , look casually at the book of rules , and then wait happily at home until the day of the match , expecting that you will score a winning goal before enthusiastic supporters .
13 Tell a child , preferably anyone who is giving grief , that you will stick a twenty-pence piece on their head .
14 Remember if you are on an income related benefit it is likely that you will receive a grant for all the ‘ reasonable ’ costs .
15 If the contract makes it clear that you will receive a bonus , without specifying a fixed sum , your entitlement is probably to a figure that is reasonable , taking into account sums received in previous years .
16 In most cases , make sure that you hold an undertaking in respect of any outstanding borrowing , so that you know that you will receive a receipted mortgage deed as soon as possible .
17 If you look through a family history and hit upon an advantageous marriage , the chances are that you will find a new house or a completely restored one at around the same date .
18 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
19 Unless you have a transformer made or wind one yourself , it is unlikely that you will find a 22V secondary , but a 20V type is quite satisfactory .
20 You can be sure that you will find a solution of Laplace 's equation satisfying the boundary conditions , but you will have to find out which problem you have obtained the solution of .
21 ‘ I do not think , ’ he said with some conviction , ‘ that you will find a company prepared to take the risk . ’
22 It is most unlikely that you will have a complain that can not be settled amicably between us .
23 The leaves will need to be clear of the soil surface , which means that you will have a row of cuttings protruding some 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) .
24 I chose the filename PENGUIN because it 's unlikely that you will have a file of that name on your hard disk .
25 And it may be , for example , that you will have a school that has a very high erm high number of children perhaps who are particularly motivated towards computer studies .
26 If your filter is to be sited a lot higher than the pond , perhaps to feed an impressive waterfall , remember that you will need a more powerful pump to raise the water to the filter .
27 Note also that you will need a special adaptor compression fitting when joining 22mm pipe to existing ¾in pipe .
28 When you warn your child that you will withdraw a privilege if he or she does X , Y or Z , make sure it is a threat that you can deliver .
29 My hope is that you will become a supporter of UNICEF and that , together , we can give them what they so desperately need : a passport to health for their children .
30 Thank you very much well it 's always a pleasure to hear of about the Seamanship Foundation and I 'm sure that , as you might be saying , and er the need for the foundation 's fundraising will be rather heightened this year as a result of last year 's drop but I 'm equally sure that you will get a tremendous amount of support from the members and on that note which I think is er also is an important method of concentrating our priorities and on the basis of we 're extremely lucky to be able to pursue a really very enjoyable pastime with relatively few problems and that if we can get those opportunities to many more , who would otherwise not be able to enjoy and in fact frequently do n't get to enjoy any other pastime , we should endeavour to do so and consider ourselves lucky that we can .
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