Example sentences of "that he be [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Our Nancy might be only seventeen , but she 's already a full-growed woman to look at , and I know she 'd be pleased to be 'is wife , 'e 'd only 'ave to ask 'er , except 'e did say once that 'e 's waitin' a while before 'e gets married .
2 Hizir Bey was greatly impressed by him and sent him to Murad II , recommending that he be given a teaching post .
3 Nevertheless , the tenant should insist that he be given a reasonable rent-free period in which to find a new subtenant .
4 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
5 And if it came to court she would make a plea that he be given the care of his daughter until she became of age .
6 A few miles further on , the eleven-year-old fell asleep in his saddle and Gloucester , unwilling to call a halt at that stage and thus delay their entry into London , insisted that he be conveyed the rest of the way in a horse-drawn litter .
7 He says that he 's heard the shipping companyw ant to re-export the dog , but it would be a brave man who risked trying move the animal in it 's present condition .
8 ‘ Well all I 'm tellin' you , Pat , is that he 's made a lot of enemies .
9 And it 's obvious that he 's made a start with the clunch pit murder ; but that is n't noted either .
10 There is a wealth of revealing evidence on the attitudes that affect reading : ‘ His daddy always takes him to bed , and he says ‘ Can I have a story ? ’ said an engineer 's wife , ‘ but he 's been told now that he 's getting a bit too old for stories ’ ’ [ ‘ He ’ is four ] ( Newson and Newson , 1968 , p.274 ) ; ‘ Then I read her a story , ’ said an actor 's wife , ‘ and Rupert listens , and then I show Rupert his little book ’ ’ [ Rupert being sixteen months old ] ( ibid .
11 If the client is confident that he 's getting the best deal from us , he will say , alright Birmingham ar are cheaper than York on a route improvement say , but I 've had one of their cheap jobs before .
12 ‘ I 've had a message from one of the members of the consortium that he 's providing a multi-lingual stenographer .
13 Bush is so certain that he 's lost The Big Three he has stopped campaigning there , concentrating on a dozen battleground states which could go either way .
14 But he denies that he 's deserting a sinking ship .
15 The King of Blefuscu has always wanted to defeat Lilliput in war , and now we hear that he 's prepared a large number of ships , which will attack us very soon .
16 He 's declaring that he 's using a taxi and it costs him a hundred and sixty pound a month , every day back and forwards to work , well everyone knows that 's a lie cos she takes him to work
17 ‘ Because my impression is that he 's using the privacy of the consulting room to hide something .
18 People think , well now , here 's a man who 's been accused of fraud and so forth and shortly after that it comes out that he 's given a big thing to the government .
19 He wears white for the same reason that he never drinks raksi , and that he 's eaten no food since morning .
20 And , of course , he 's so revered for this sleight-of-hand that he 's constructed a two and a half hour show to appeal mainly to his legions of cultish disciples who 've been waiting quite a few years for him to make sense again .
21 You know , it 's got a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension schemes , papers are gon na flood through the door and annual reports and that sort of thing and it seems to me that all of Goods th the way that this , this pension regulator is deemed to act is that he 's expecting the auditors and the actuaries to whistle blow and
22 Is there any chance that he 's done a moonlight in order to get away from money problems ? ’
23 Anyway , the upshot of it is that he 's written a song , for his daughter , based on the Basil Brush thing .
24 He says that he 's joined a few agencies , with no luck .
25 I 'm sure you 're quite capable of getting your own way , while letting Ross think that he 's calling the shots ! ’
26 Phil Farrand says that he 's spent the last two years building the car and has put hours of work into it … his machine runs on the same amount of power that drives a toaster or a hair dryer so much for ceremony … with the sun blazing down its time to race south … the track is the main Stewart Highway …
27 Just that he 's seemed a bit out of sorts this past few days . ’
28 I am about to introduce myself when I notice that he 's carrying an armful of eels .
29 Erm I was n't , I did n't know what you were trying to get at when you were bringing up the miles per annum that he was doing , I can understand the flying side of it but driving in the car , yes you need to know that he 's doing a lot of miles and that there 's , you know , the there 's the potential danger and everything there but I did n't understand why you need his specific miles per annum .
30 Wishful thinking apart , it 's more likely that he 's making the most of a nice soft bed and reasonable food , ’ said Marcus , trying to find a creative way out of the check Pete had put him in .
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