Example sentences of "that he [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , though , the resilient Dunwoody said that he hopes to be back in action at Ascot on Wednesday .
2 Then , having announced to his prime minister that he hoped to be ‘ a president of national understanding ’ , he was called upon to review a military parade , before proceeding to attend a commemorative mass in the great Gothic Cathedral of St Vitus .
3 He later went on to say that he had seen the same man in the vicinity about 5.30 to 6.00 , and that he seemed to be heading for the Oliver 's shop .
4 The press and the experts had put the monkey on his back that he could n't win a major , that he seemed to be ‘ choking on Sundays ’ .
5 The irritating thing was that he seemed to be unaware of the beneficial effects of AZT , or the creative potential of AIDS sufferers .
6 Tralhaut comments that he seemed to be almost glorying in his failure to break down the barriers and ‘ storm the fortress ’ of his love 's frozen heart .
7 It was disappointing , though , that he seemed to be knocking the efforts of those with other aims : ‘ How can we expect the Brazilian Government to care for trees when it does n't care for many of its people ? ’
8 ‘ Only that he seemed to be in a decent position , and that he died . ’
9 Only centimetres from his eyes and mouth , the hydra blurred and soaked up his voice so that he seemed to be shouting underwater .
10 In the course of explaining his various duties to Virginia Woolf he confessed that he seemed to be turning into an " Old Buffer " and wondered if he might not also be guilty of humbug .
11 She settled him in his chair , and was relieved to see that he seemed to be calming down a little .
12 He was a very successful , very good-looking professional in his mid-thirties — just as Tom Russell was , although that was irrelevant , of course — and to find that he seemed to be interested in her was satisfying somehow .
13 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
14 Though Amiss was not entirely convinced that Trueman had been murdered , he did feel a sense of unease about the Admiral 's safety , so he was relieved to see that he seemed to be getting on rather better with his committee colleagues than the Sunday experiences had promised .
15 There was a cool mockery in his deep voice , and she turned to glare at him , hating him for the fact that he seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort .
16 She glanced at David and wryly saw that he seemed to be listening to this conversation with great interest .
17 At the same time Sartre makes a larger , though less persuasive claim that the boxing-match also works synecdochally and re-exteriorizes a more fundamental violence , namely the interiorized condition of scarcity that he considers to be the basis of conflict in general .
18 seize , render harmless or destroy any substance or article that he considers to be the cause of imminent danger of serious personal injury .
19 ‘ Umar Abu Shanab was allegedly tortured while in detention and his relatives fear that he continues to be tortured or ill-treated .
20 Dr John Stewart , Director of Recruitment and Admissions , told Campus that he continues to be greatly encouraged by the interest shown overseas in Stirling 's undergraduate and postgraduate courses .
21 But for reasons that he took to be his own error in transcription , anything that he pilfered straight from life never sounded convincing .
22 He was fascinated by horses — so fascinated that he came to be called ‘ The Man who Loved to Draw Horses , ’ although he could and did draw a wide range of other domestic animals .
23 So deep-rooted were his various obsessions and so pronounced his self-importance that he came to be regarded in some quarters as not merely an individualist but something of a crank .
24 Contact was made with his son , Ian , who still runs the same garage and he was very interested in the ideas put forward , so much so that he agreed to be the main sponsor for the project .
25 Bernard announced that he wished to be known as an uncle , not a grandfather .
26 The provisions that he refers to are in the agreement that we have signed , which provides greater safeguards than before to ensure that the Community deals with those matters that are most appropriately dealt with by the Community and that other matters are left to national Parliaments .
27 to tell his constituents that with London 's share of world trade in financial services is increasing and is now at twenty seven percent that the financial services sector round the U K four point three billion , that those employees that he refers to are in fact in an industry which even if it is redistributing employment it 's nevertheless growing .
28 Carson stood in the open quadrangle of tended plants and empty benches that he assumed to be the ‘ garden area in the middle ’ , and looked around .
29 ‘ Divine august Frederick is in character and appearance such man that he deserves to be studied even by those not in close contact with him .
30 ‘ But Danny has shown through his attitude and his skill that he deserves to be in the side and he is under serious consideration for inclusion against QPR .
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