Example sentences of "that i would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I genuinely look all I can say about this new album is if I 'd have continued recording for the last twenty odd years and had a sustained recording career like Cliff continued singing , this would have been the album that I would 've ended up doing anyway .
2 I 'm not saying that I would 've picked up on all those points because
3 I may say that we both agreed that our relations will be governed by his decision , that I would have gone along with it had he made a mistake which harmed me .
4 Even if it 's true that I would have gone to prison to protect somebody else or make some dubious point about the freedom of the press , I know I 'd only have been doing it to make myself look good .
5 Actually I was so anxious to have him that I would have said anything — but I did put my marriage first , I made that choice , and although it meant I had many , many years of frustration as an actress , I 'm not sorry I made that choice .
6 However , this is the conclusion that I would have reached apart altogether from considering Hansard .
7 I really thought that I would have asked Chris if he is pay for his erm Society here in .
8 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
9 ‘ That 's a great shame , because unemployment is so universal nowadays that I would have hoped the stigma would disappear . ’
10 Emelia Kanthack commented that she ‘ always approached my East End patients with my very best manners and extended the same little courteous considerations to them that I would have served towards a lady ’ .
11 I have a cringing suspicion that I would have waited until ten o'clock if necessary .
12 There were gulls flying and calling , but I had not disturbed the main colony , and I thought that I would have heard if he had been working below the cliffs at the north-west point .
13 We are disappointed that he left Leeds , but I 'm not sure that I would have regarded 2.75 million as money well-spent on a player of his type .
14 If it were not , you may be sure that I would have arranged a better climate for the Brits than the Lord has seen fit to give them . ’
15 But even if he had given me a direct answer , I do n't know that I would have believed him .
16 I do n't think you 'll and I suppose I make no apologies for including it , because I think we are all very well aware of the terrible tragedy that is happening in in Yugoslavia It 's not not an Anthem that I would have recognised , erm , I was fortunate to go to Yugoslavia on , I think , two occasions , in happier times , and it saddens me tremendously , to see , on the television , to hear on the radio , to read in the newspapers , just what has happened to what was emerging as , not only a very beautiful , but a very successful country .
17 erm possibly that I would have emphasized er the fact that we do n't do quote fact to fact selling
18 I had n't eaten since my snackette supper the night before and I was so hungry that I would have eaten almost anything , even a plate of my grandmother 's famously awful creamed ham and carrots , the only dish I know to have been inspired by vomit .
19 But even had I been told something of the nature of their relationship , I am not sure that I would have understood or believed , or felt betrayed .
20 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
21 ‘ Well , I 'm sure I should n't have , but I was feeling so guilty about you that I would have agreed to do anything you asked . ’
22 In another tone , she said , ‘ Not that I would have let her . ’
23 M. B. I am quite candidly of the opinion that I would have left the police out of a feeling of resentment because I was overlooked time and time again for inferior men .
24 You do n't think that I would have left you alone , down here , if I had n't known that you were all well and happy , do you ?
25 Having said that I would have thought hed be favourite — being the only English manager to win the league in the last 8 years or so ( other being Kendall ) .
26 ‘ You 're so good at reading my mind that I would have thought you 'd know . ’
27 Well that is really yo you feel good wearing that I would have thought .
28 Erm , and that I would have thought would probably do it , or certainly helpful as long as you actually do it , sort of thing .
29 But if it 's a question of a child feeling that a parent thinks that it 's important , and feeling that parents are interested in what they 're doing , then that I would have thought was beneficial .
30 But you should certainly avoid obvious personal intrusions , such as the two following : The confession " Sorry , I had no time to complete this essay , so I have made some basic points that I would have brought out and discussed . "
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